Chapter 9•Smokin' Somethin' Somethin'

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Practice became a regularly scheduled thing at my apartment, no questions asked. Levi never complained about lugging over his cello to my place (We kept only one at my apartment because one - I needed the practice and two-that would just be stupid to carry both other every practice). Levi came over Tuesday, Thursdays, and Sundays from three to five. Him coming over eventually became a routine. I really liked him coming over. Even if he was a dick sometimes, I loved having company over.

October rolled in gracefully, with its colorful leaves painting the trees all sorts of warm colors. I fucking love fall. I love it so much, the word 'fucking' is necessary, because I don't know how else to discrib how much I strongly love it.

Especially Halloween.


Anywhore, while I leaned against the bleachers while I watched from a distance crazy bitch Rachel uncomfortably flirt with Levi.

"Wow Levi." I could hear Rachel pur "You're so tough. I saw you working out the other day in the schools weight room."

"That's...fucking creepy." He cringed a bit with his arms crossed.

"I bet you're so strong. You mind if I...maybe touch your arm?" She smirked creepily. 

"I'll break off your goddamn finger if you do. Where the hell is Rebel? She's here today right?" Levi asked, looking around the gym for me, probably hoping I would rescue him. Fat chance, asshat.

"Um...I'm not sure. So, do you think I'm more Kuudere or Tsundere?"

"Kill me now."

I giggled to myself, shaking my head as I watched this poor sight. I felt someone then tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I found Jean standing before me, a smirk drawn over his lips.

"Cute shorts." He teased, knowing I hated gym.

"Shut up, horsie." I scoffed, pulling down my green shorts a tad. "What are you doing here? You don't have gym now."

"Nah, but I cut the gym to get to study hall." He smirked mischievously.

"Well, you better haul ass before coach Sadis finds you and fucks you up." I warned.

"I know, but I wanted to ask ya something." He said, his eyes wide with excitement. I felt my chest flare up, the tip of my nose going red and I'm sure looking like a strawberry.

"W-what?" I asked, trying to sound cool and calm. But...was he about to ask me out or something? Are these rumors I hear about where you actually date your crush true!?

"Me and the gang are all gonna hang out on Halloween this weekend. We're gonna have a few drinks, maybe smoke a little somethin'-somethin, and play some 'games'. You wanna join?" He asked.

"Oh..." I trailed off, my once heart inflated with hope now shattered with disappointment. "Yeah, totally! That sounds like fun. Who's coming?"

"Everyone! Marco, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Reiner, Berthold; just the whole gang."

"Cool." I smiled up at him.

"Great. Want me to pick you up Saturday? Say eight?"

"Sounds like a plan." I beamed. My smile slowly faded away, and I peered over my shoulder at Levi across the gym. "Is it cool if I bring Levi?" I asked when I turned back to Jean.

"Levi?" He repeated, puzzled.

"Yeah, Levi. I know he seems like a grouch, but I think he can be really nice outside of school." I knew for a fact that this wasn't ture, seeing I saw him pretty much every other day. And I didn't mind it one bit, I liked Levi like that. But saying this might better convince Jean to let Levi tag along.

"Alright, if you wanna." Agreed Jean with a meek shrug.

"Okay, thanks Jean." I flashed a smile up at him.

"No problem, Rebel." He grinned "I'll see you then." He walked by me and out of the gym, my heart beating at a million miles an hour. I was so excited I didn't even notice Levi standing next to me.

"The hell did horse face want?" He asked bordly.

"Huh? Oh, he just invited me to some get together for Halloween."

"Just you and him?" He rasied a brow.

"Oh no, a group of my friends will be there as well. And you're coming too." I grinned.

"No." He replied flatly.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" I encourage.

"What are too guys gonna do? Trick or treat like the little kids you are?"

"No." I rolled my eyes. "He didn't say much of. Something about drinking and smoking something..."

"What?" Levi's voice asked sternly.

"He also said something about playing games." I shrugged innocently.

"Well I doubt it's pin the tail on the horse. Did he say what kinds?"

"Um, no mom." I said sarcasticly at his serious tone.

Levi paused, pressing his lips together at a straight line. "I think I should come with you." He finally said.

"Really?" I chirped. "What made you change your mind?"

"Because there's going to be drinking and Jean will be there. I don't need anyone love sick on my hands and too sad to play cello." He answered with a monotone voice, but it seemed laced with mysterious venom.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, forget it." He sighed. "I just think it might be best if I came with you. You seem like a lightweight. Someone's gotta pull your hair back when you upchuck everywhere."

"Fair enough." I agreed with a shrug of my shoulders. "But don't be a party pooper, got it?"

"Why, you think I'll cramp you're style around Jean?" He crossed his arms.

"Why do you keep bringing him up?" I sighed dramaticly.

"Because it's obvious you like him, idiot. It's fun to watch you get frazzled over that horseshit."

"Okay, yeah, I do. But don't say anything about it, okay? You're only the second person I've told."

"Who's the first? Finnian?"

"My best friend, Eren."

Levi's eyebrows furrowed together, like he was solving an impossible math question. "...So what am I to you then?"

"My other best friend." I smiled. "I can have two, right?"

Levi didn't answer, only dropping his cold eyes on the floor, his unfazed mask harding back on. He said nothing, only stared down  at his white sneakers. I was confused my his suddenly distant look, and before I could ask coach Sadis called us into roll call.

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