Chapter 12•It's on My Phone...

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Levi's P.O.V.

I sat there with the gang of idiots Rebel liked to hang out. And I thought my clique was stupid. All they did was weird science experiments, sniff things, bit their tounge when they try to act like me and always made me coffee. Sure as hell beat this teen-clichè crap.

I stared at Jean as he laughed while he watched Sasha confess to liking Connie. God, this is so stupid. I just wish Rebel would get the hell back. Maybe when she does she'll be so scared shitless and piss drunk that she'll want to go home.

A scream from the distance ripped into the woods, silencing everyone. We all looked at each other with eyes wide with shock.

"That sounded like Rebel," said Armin with a worried voice.

"Damn, she must be really scared." Chuckled Reiner.

"No, I've heard that scream before." Eren said. "Somethings wrong. Let me call her-"

"If she's in danger I doubt she'll pick up." I interupped the brat. "We should go and check it out. That scream sounded pretty legit."

"I agree." Jean nodded "Come on, let's go check it out."

Me, Eren, and Jean got up and walked out of the woods. The bare trees looked like black hands trying to grab the moon. I looked up at the sky while the two talked, going from stupid drunk teenagers laughing their asses off to serious, determined guys. I respected that a bit, but was still mad they dared her to go inside without much of a choice. If I was dared to go in or have to kiss Rebel, I wouldn't know what to do either.

Not because I like her or anything. Who would want to kiss dorky shitty-curls? No thanks.

Jaeger took us to the art window that was still open. A raccoon probably crawled in and scared her. Once we were all in, Eren pulled out his phone and turned to me.

"I'm going to call her, just in case." He told me, like he was asking for my permission. I nodded and he gave her a call. He swore when he got no answer.

"Goddamn it, Eren." Scowled Jean. "I can't belive you made her do this."

"Why, where you hoping to get some tonight?" Mocked Eren.

"No, because you made her go here and she might be in danger, moron!" Yelled Jean.

"Oh I bet, tard horse!"

"Will you two brats shut the fuck up?" I interfered sharply. They both looked at me, eyes filled with fear and leftover rage. "Quiet your petty fighting like a bunch of pansy ass schoolgirls and start actually looking for Rebel, got it you shit snippers?"

They both sheepishly nodded, Jean scratching the back of his head. "He's right, let's start looking."

Eren started calling for Rebel, along with Jean. I just kept my eyes peeled, slowly growing anxious as finding her felt impossible. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

"Hold up." I stopped the two as I put my hand up. I could faintly hear a sound coming from down the hall as I held my phone.

"Is that...the Dexter theme song?" Asked Jean.

"That's Rebels phone." I whispered and bolted down the hall. In the darkest corner of the hallway I could see her phone lit on the ground. My heart sank when I saw Rebel was nowhere to be seen.

"Rebel!" I called out after I picked up her phone off the ground. I looked around, until my eyes spotted the girls bathroom. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. "Rebel, are you in here?"

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