Chapter 22

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Being with Grace today made me realize how much I love being with her. Even just being remotely close to her made me feel safe. I know it's usually the girl who feels safe with the guy, but I can't help how much I care about her.

"Hayes?" she asked softly. We were in the middle of our third movie and it was around 5 o'clock pm.


"Have you even been paying attention to this movie?" She quietly chuckled.

"Nope." I admitted.

"What have you been thinking about?" She turned her head and looked at me. Her head has been laying on my thighs for the last hour.

"Us." I whispered. A slight smile appeared on her lips but then it vanished.

"Me too." She whispered back.

"What's wrong Grace?" I asked concerned. Her face showed some pain and I couldn't help but be worried.

"Hayes, I want to be with you. I don't even care if you don't feel the same way but I do."

"Grace of course I feel the same way. I love you." My tone was serious and so was hers.

"But Hayes we can't do this, not right now at least. Okay? I'm not ready. It's too much and I don't think I can handle the pressure and worry of the chances that we will get hurt again." She spoke slowly, like she was choosing her words very carefully. Yes I was hurt by her response, but I understand. And I also know that when she said 'that we will get hurt again', I knew she meant she was worried I would fuck up again. In all honestly I don't blame her though.

"I get it. It's okay." I tried to act normal but I know the hurt was showing through and she frowned because she noticed.

"I'm sorry Hayes," She began again, "but we need to just remain friends for a while okay?"

"We can still cuddle right?"

"Yes." She giggled and I smiled. "Because that is how it should be."


We stared at each other for a minute, just enjoying each other's company.

"Yeah, just like before." he half smiled and I returned it, but bigger.

"We had an eventful relationship." He chuckled.

"Shall we reminisce?" I asked goofily.

"Let's." He replied.

(Drake and Josh scene thing!!!!^^ Who remembers?)

"Remember when you first kissed me?" I asked him and he blushed but smiled and nodded.

"Don't be embarrassed! I loved it! I remember I had been waiting for you to kiss me and the rain made it ten times better."

"Why didn't you kiss me if you wanted to so bad." He teased playfully and I shrugged.

"I didn't want to make the first move."

"Well I'm glad I did then."

"Me too."


For the last half hour we had completely tuned out the movie in front of us and just talked  about our favorite memories with each other. I didn't realize how much Hayes had taken notice in me. He told me the little things he loved about me and told me all the things he watched me do. (Not in a creepy way)

"Grace, I know that we have had a lot of downs in the past, and I think all of them were caused by me. So for that I apologize. I would think about something other than how much I loved you and then I would fuck up. I'm sorry, Grace." Hayes confessed.

"Don't think our fights and multiple break ups were all your fault. It was both of us. You don't need to apologize." I explained to him.

Even thought I really don't think it was all his fault, I appreciated his apology a lot.

"I guess." He looked down and stayed like that for a few minutes before my phone went off. I picked it up not even looking at the caller before I answered it.


"Grace I need help!"

"Sammy? What's wrong?!" I grew worried as did the expression on Hayes' face.

"I put brownies in the oven but I may have forgotten to set the timer and now they are black and the kitchen it pretty much filled with smoke and- fuck! Sorry, but you better get here soon I can't get the damn smoke detector to stop going off!!" She yelled into the phone. And I stood up already walking to the door.

"Okay calm down I'll be right there. Did you open the door and windows? Wave a broom by the detectors, okay? I'm on my way." I hung up and faces Hayes who was standing right behind me.

"Sammy almost burned the apartment kitchen down, can you drive me back?" I asked quickly and he nodded.

He grabbed his keys and we headed out.


"Sammy?!" I yelled.

"In here!" She called. I ran into the kitchen and was glad to see that she had everything under control.

The smoke detectors stopped, the smoke was completely gone, but the only bad thing was the smell.

"Holy shit how bad did they burn?" I put my hands over my nose and she laughed.

"Bad." She replied. "But I may have over exaggerated about the smoke. There was only a little bit when I opened the oven." She shrugged.

"Sammy! You made me think something was seriously wrong!" I yelled, but we both knew I was just playing. I had a smile on my face and was trying not to laugh anyway.

She chuckled. "Sorry."


"Done!" Sammy said excitedly as we put the last few ornaments on our Christmas tree.

It's December 22nd, and at the last minute as usual, Sammy and I are decorating the apartment and tree three days before Christmas.

"Hey guys!" Hayes and Joseph walked into our apartment. We left the door unlocked so they could come in when they wanted today.

"Hey!" I smiled and went up to hug both of them.

"Why so friendly?" Joseph asked laughing.

"Because it's Christmas time!!!" It puts me in a better mood."

Today I have been jamming out to throwback Disney Christmas songs, and I have to say that it felt great.

Now it's 9 o'clock pm and we were all getting ready to watch Holiday movies.

"Let's watch Elf!" Hayes said excitedly. I laughed at the childish smile on his face, but we all agreed.

Ten minutes into the movie, Hayes put his arm around my shoulder and practically forced me to sit with him, but I didn't mind one bit. I was sitting facing sideways with my legs thrown over his and his hand was softly running through my hair as my head leaned on his shoulder. I smiled and I could feel him relax.

There's no denying it anymore. I love this kid.



Sorry for all the mushy lovey stuff in the beginning but I hoped you like this chapter! I know it's weird that I'm writing about Christmas in August, but idc cuz yolo

QOTD: When do you go back to school? I go back on August 31st

Bye loves!

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