Chapter 7

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I woke up early this morning and I decided to go downstairs to make myself some breakfast.
All of a sudden I felt something snake around my shoulder.
"Hey." Hayes said as he brought me closer to him.
"Morning." I smiled up at him.
"Good morning." he said smiling with no teeth. He brought his arms down to mine and his eyes flicked between my eyes and then my lips. "How'd you sleep?" he asked.
"Fine thanks. How was the couch?" I laughed.
"Awful, but okay." he chuckled.
"I'm sorry... tell you what. I'll sleep on the couch tonight okay? And you can have my bed."
"Or, you could sleep on the couch with me." he hinted.
"Okay." I smiled at him.
"Okay then." he said and hugged me. "I'm gonna kiss you now if that's okay." he smiled and leaned in. Our lips touched gently for a second or two, then we pulled apart. Our foreheads were against each other's and we were holding hands by our sides. "Even though we did this yesterday, and a few seconds ago, I miss this." he said and he crashed our lips together once again. His arms fells and he slipped his hands behind my waist to pull me closer, and put my hand on the back of his neck.
"Hayes." I pulled back. "Someone's awake I can hear footsteps."
"So?" he laughed.
"We are making out in a kitchen. Where everyone goes. And we aren't even together." I explained. His face expression fell.
"Right. Sorry." he turned around and opened the fridge and I sighed.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"I know what you meant. It's fine." he assured me. I went back to making my breakfast when my dad came down the stairs.
"Hey dad."
"Good morning Grace." he came over and kissed the top of my head. "Morning Hayes."
"Morning." Hayes half smiled at him. My dad was basically staring down Hayes.
"Dad stop." I whispered. He put his hands up in surrender and I laughed. My dad went in the other room and turned on the tv.
Grace's dad left the room so I figured now should be the time to ask her about what that was. It actually bothered me when she didn't want anyone to see us kiss. Like it's not like no ones seen us kiss before. And when she said we aren't together, I know it's technically true, but it just feels like we've been together this whole time.
"Grace?" I asked her.
"Um, I know this sounds ridiculous, but why didn't you want anyone to see us kiss?"
"Well we aren't together," she started. There it is. That one phrase that I don't like, even though it's true. "and we're in the kitchen. My parents could've walked down in the middle of it."
"You've never cared if your parents saw us kiss before." our voices were really quiet because of her dad close by.
"I don't know." she sighed. "I guess I'm just not used to this."
"Used to what?"
"This! Us Hayes."
"You're not used to me?" I asked offended. She told me that I haven't changed, and that she missed being with me and now she's saying she's not used to me?
"I didn't mean it like that Jesus Christ!"
"Then what did you mean?" I asked frustrated.
"Hayes, I'm scared." she whispered.
"Y-you're scared of me?" I could even tell my own voice sounded hurt.
"Not of you. Of us." She said a little above a whisper.
"Why?" I asked walking closer to her after realizing that we were across the room from each other.
"Because, you broke my heart twice, you could do it again. I've done things to hurt you too. There's a possibility that things could happen again. And I-I don't want either of us to get hurt." she explained with her eyes becoming watery.
"Grace," I whispered. "That's not going to happen okay? I can promise you that."
"Promise is a big word Hayes."
"Then I guarantee it." I smiled and she slightly laughed. "So do you trust me?" I asked, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah. Yeah I do." she nodded after thinking a bit.
"Good." I said engulfing her in a hug. "I love you."
"I love you too." she muffled into my shirt.
"What do you want to do today?" my mom asked me as we were sitting on the couch.
"I don't know, ask Carly and Jillian." I told her. My mom and dad want to have a day with us because we only have 5 days left, and she wanted all of the "kids" to spend a lot of time together after a family day.
"Why don't you go ask them." she suggested. I nodded and headed upstairs.
"When should we tell them?" I heard Jillian say as I walked passed her room.
"I don't know, but soon. Maybe this afternoon?" Cameron said. What are they talking about? I decided to go in and ask.
"Hey guys. What are you talking about?" I asked as I bursted in. They both jumped a little.
"How long have you been there?" Jillian asked with her eyes wide.
"Long enough to know that you two are keeping something from all of us and I wanna know what it is." I stated. Cameron sighed an looked at Jillian.
"We will tell you when we tell everyone." he answered.
"When will that be?" I asked impatiently.
"I guess now." Jillian replied.
Everyone was awake now and Cameron pulled us into the living room.
"We have something to tell you. Don't freak out though because it's not bad." Cameron started. Then Jillian spoke up.
"Okay so, I'm having twins as you all know. And, since Carly in unable to have children, Cameron and I are willing to give up a kid for you two." Jillian explained looking at Carly and Nash. There faces became confused but happy.
"Are you serious?" Carly asked in disbelief.
"Yes." Cameron and Jillian answered at the same time. I looked over at Grace who was just smiling, and her parents looked shocked but pleased.
"I know you guys were planning on adopting, but I figured you would want to have a child who was actually related to you. So now you can just adopt one of ours." Jillian smiled.
"Are you sure?" Nash asked.
"One hundred percent." Jillian replied.
"Oh my god, thank you! This means so much you have no idea." Carly got up and hugged Jillian and Cameron.
"Thanks bro it means a lot." Nash hugged Cameron. Everyone was talking about it and Grace came over to me.
"That's so nice what they did." she beamed.
"Yeah, I can tell Nash and Carly are really happy." I replied.
Jillian, Carly, my mom, my dad and I are now leaving the mall. Earlier we decided to get lunch at a small restaurant, which we did, and then go shopping at the mall. We all piled into the car and were on our way back to the house. The ride home felt long, and I was happy when we walked in the door to the house.
"Hey guys." I said as I saw Hayes, Cam, Nash, and Sammy in swimsuits and beach stuff in their hands.
"You guys going to the beach?" Jillian asked.
"Where does it look like we're going?" Nash laughed and Jillian playfully rolled her eyes.
"You coming?" Hayes asked me. I nodded and heads towards the stairs.
"Just give me 5 minutes." I said as I ran upstairs.
I quickly slipped off my clothes and put on a black bikini top with neon green bottoms. I took off all of my makeup and threw my hair up in a messy bun.
After I grabbed my sunglasses and slipped on some old flip flops, I headed out of my room.
The beach is sort of private so I didn't worry about putting in shorts or a shirt over my swimsuit for the walk there.
I walks down the stairs with my towel in hand and sunglasses on my head. I saw Hayes eyeing me and I giggled at him.
"You're blocking my sun." I said with my eyes still closed. I was laying back in my beach chair with Carly and Jillian next to me. Hayes was standing over me, blocking the sun and water was dripping all over me because of him just being in the water.
I opened my eyes and stared at him unimpressed.
"I missed you earlier." he said sitting down in the sand in front of me. I looked down at him and smiled.
"I was gone for 3 hours." I laughed.
"I still missed you."
I sat up in my chair and leaned down to kiss him.
"I'm taking you out." he stated.
"Um, we're on the beach." I chuckled.
"Not now, tomorrow. I'm taking you out. Dress nice." he said and got up and ran back to the ocean where all the guys were. I smiled at his cuteness and continued to tan, well attempted.
"HAYES PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled/laughed as he picked me up, three me over his shoulder and ran towards the water. "HAYES!" I laughed.
He finally put me down, but we were in the water.
"Seriously." I laughed. I started moving around in the water and randomly went under.

"Grace?!?!" I heard. I came up and scared him. he was startled and was breathing heavy. "Jesus Christ don't do that you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry." I giggled. He splashed my face with water and it went in my eye. "Ow." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" He said sounding worried.

"Nothing, just it burns my eye." I said rubbing it, which will probably only make it more irritated.

"Sorry." He said as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb getting all the water off of it. But I think it was more of a move because he started leaning in, and before I knew it, our lips crashed and we were making out in the ocean.
He pulled me closer by grabbing my waist with both hands and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We pulled apart after a good 5 minutes and just smiled at each other. We rested our heads against each other's and just stood there. It felt nice.
Out of no where he grabbed one of my hands and out an arm on my back, like dancing position.

"May I have this dance?" He asked sweetly.

"Why of course you may." I replied giggling.

(HSM 2 moment right there^^)

We started dancing around, which wasn't too easy considering we were waist deep in the water.
We were laughing uncontrollably and he picked me up and spun me around. It was hard for him to keep spinning me because of the waves and water so he let me go and we just floated in the water next to each other.

After a few minutes goofing off in the water we decided to go back on the beach. We started dragging ourselves through the choppy water when I stepped on something sharp.
"Fuck!" I muttered.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I stepped on a shell I think." I told him lifting up my leg to look at the bottom of my foot. It was bleeding.
"Shit Grace." be said. "Here get on my back." he said. I did as told and he gave me a piggy back ride back to the sand.


"Look at those two. They're so cute." Carly said to me as we watched Grace and Hayes in the water. Just made out for what seemed like ten minutes and not he's carrying her back.

"Yeah... he makes her really happy. Mom said that she noticed him being just genuinely happy all the time and he smiled a lot more."

"I'm glad they found each other." she said smiling. I nodded my head.

"He won't shut up about her." I laughed.

"Awh he's so good for her." she added and I agreed.

They are so perfect for each other because, they need each other.

"So what do you think about adopting Jillian and Cameron's child?" I asked her.

"I love the idea and I'm so happy." she beamed.

"Good," I smiled. "because if you're happy, I'm happy"

I realized that I forgot to write when Cameron and Jillian came so I put them in on the day they all went to the beach house so just pretend it all made sense😂
I hope you liked this!! I knowninjavent updated in forever and I'm sorry but I'll try to update again soon
And I apologize for the weird messed up paragraph spacing in this chapter idk what happened..


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