Chapter 4

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That's Austin^^ Francisco Lachowski is bae <3
▪ Selena ▪

As soon as we entered the house, I was hit with the smell of sweat and alcohol and let me tell you. It was disgusting.

"Hey B-" I stopped myself when I saw Becky wasn't next to me. I looked around the house to look for her.

I saw some girls playing Beer Pong against the guys. One of those girls were Becky. I stomped over to where Becky was already drunk.

"Becky." I sighed in annoyance. "Selena?" I heard a voice ask me from behind. I turned around and saw Austin.

"Austin?" I asked. He nodded. I ran up into his arms and he spun me around. He put set me down and began to ask questions.

"What happened to the old Sel?" He pouted. "Well, I like the new me better." I argued.

"Yea me too! I can finally be seen with you!" He exclaimed hugging me.


I ignored it and went back trying to get Becky's attention. I turned around and saw Becky going upstairs with some guy.

Oh Becky. You're going to regret that. I rolled my eyes and went to get myself a beer. I was in the kitchen being a loner until a crowd was formed.

My eyebrows joined together in confusion. Then I saw it. It was the one and only Cameron Dallas.

His eyes searched the room until his eyes met with mine. He smirked and my eyes widened. I tried running away until someone grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard a voice growl in my ear. "Somewhere you're not." I replied. I managed to get out of his grip.

I ran up the stairs into a random room. Yea. Bad idea.

In the room were 2 teenagers doing "it". They stopped and looked at me. I noticed the girl was Becky. "Becky!?" I screeched. "Selena! Get out!" She whisper/yelled.

"Gladly." I said under my breath. I walked out and closed the door only to pushed against the wall. "Hey beautiful, what you doing by yourself?" A random person said.

"Umm, it's me Selena Gomez." I pointed out. "Well, well, well. Looks like I have you all to myself." He smirked and started attacking my neck.

I thought of ways to get out until a idea came into mind. I grabbed my heel off my shoe and put it behind my back.

"Shall we head to the bedroom?" He asked when he pulled back. Here's my chance. I grabbed the heel behind me and hit his face with the stem.

(I call the heely thing a stem, because it reminds me of a stem :) )

"Ah!" He grunted grabbing his eye and falling onto the floor. I took this time to grab my heel and leave. I was a couple more steps until the bottom, until someone stopped me.

By someone I mean Cameron. "That was awesome what you did up there." He said, pointing the the top of the stairs. "Yea, well I'm not looking forward to getting raped tonight." I replied.

"How about me and-" He got cut off by a female voice. "CAMERON!" The voice yelled. I noticed it was Jasmine. "Cameron there you are! I've been looking for you." She said as she kissed him.

I looked at them in disgust and pushed Cameron out of the way, so I can leave. I made it out successfully and got in my car.

(Next Morning)

I woke up to my parents yelling for to come downstairs. I slipped in my Hello Kitty slippers and went downstairs.

"What do you need?" Jasmine asked clearly annoyed. "Well, we need to talk about something serious." My mom said looking at my dad.

"Ok well, what is it?" All 5 of us asked.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that I have 2 brothers. An older and a younger.

My older one is named David (He plays Justin Russo on Wizards of Waverly Place)

My younger brother who's 15 is Jake. (He plays Max Russo on Wizards of Waverly Place)

"Well....we are moving."


This is a extra long chapter, because I will be not updating this weekend. I will be in Florida.

Stay Clean ~ Cameron Dallas

Words - 711

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