Chapter 18

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Brooke's POV
"Ok.. Girls so do you want to do something on Friday?" Kendall ask while we eat, "um.. Yeah! You know I heard that there will be a great party at the boys lounge." Chloe said while she drinks here orange juice, "but we're not invited.." Maddie said nervously "Yet!" I said, "but we need a boy to invite us.." Kenzie said "I have and idea.." I said then I start telling my girls the plan.

Kendall's POV
What the.. Brooke's plan was crazy! She wants one of us to convince a boy to invite us to the party, "and which one of us will do that?" Paige ask "well.. Um Kendall!" Brooke said.
I can't believe this, I'm the one who's going to convince Nick to invited us to the party!
"But why me?" I asked nervously "because you're the most.. Happy, and you're the only one that the boys like!" Brooke said "ugh.. Fine!" I said. I felt really nervous, why if he says no! Then I will be sooo embarrassed!


Nick's POV
I was in the the boys' lounge when I heard a sweet voice talking to me "hi Nick!" Then I turned around and looked it was Kendall, "h-hi.." I said "so.. What are you doing?" She asked, "well um.. I am... Planning some stuff.." I said "really.. What kind of stuff?" She asked while she sits next to me "stuff.. Of a pa-party.." I said "oh.. So you will invited me to that party?" She asked "YES!" I said desperately "Ok WE'LL see you there!" She said then she leave.
Whoops.. Did she just said 'WE'LL see you there' that means that she will go to the party with her friends! Oh no my friends won't be happy...

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