Chapter 36

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Kendall's POV

"Guys! Guess what?" Paige said excitedly while she entered to the girls' lounge "I'm not a good guesser.." Kenzie joked, "it's 'free student weekend on Friday!" Paige exclaimed, "what's that?" I asked, "it's an special weekend in which we're aloud to do a party at the school yard!" Paige said, "that sounds awesome! I can't wait for it!" I said, "yeah, well you all got dates for this 'super party' but I'm alone." Maddie said, come on Madds, I don't have a date either and I still wanna go!" I said, "yeah but I'm pretty sure nick will invite you soon, but Gino hates me and he can't even look at me." Maddie said with her head down.

"Hey kiddies!" Brandon said while he and the boys entered in the lounge, "hey cutie!" Brooke said while she leaned to kiss Brandon, "Um... Guys you're in public.." Kenzie said, "uh.. Do you guys know where's Chloe?" Josh asked while he looked for Chloe between everyone, "she's in her bedroom. She's been there the past days, and she's been missing school too." Brooke said, "oh man, I need to apologize with her for something that WASN'T MY FAULT AT ALL!" He yelled while he looked at Maddie with anger.

"It was your fault too!" Maddie exclaimed while she stood up from the couch, "STOP LYING YOU-" "DON'T YOU DARE TO FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" Gino said while he pushed Josh upon a wall, "Guys stop it! We're all friends! We shouldn't be fighting!" I said, "he should be insulting Maddie!" Gino said, "ok, fine, I'm sorry dude!" Josh said.

"I gotta go.." Maddie said while she ran away, "Maddie, wait" I said while I ran behind her. "Kendall, wait! I need to ask you something, it's about this weekend's party.." Nick said while he took me by the waist, "I-I'm sorry! I gotta go behind Maddie!" I said while I leave him alone.

Maddie's POV

When I locked myself in the bathroom I saw Chloe crying in a corner, with her hands in her face and with some tears on her blue jeans, "Chloe?" I said quietly, "Maddie? What are you doing here?" She asked while she lifted her head, "I needed to be alone. Someone just told me something really mean." I said, "it was Josh, right? He told you something about your kiss." I was surprised, cause she wasn't supposed to know about it, cause she wasn't there. "How do you know that?" I asked, "Paige texted me about it, she also told me Gino defend you." She said with a small smile on her face, "oh.. Yeah.. That was kinda cute.." I said, "I'm sorry.. You know for the mistake I made.." I continued, "it's ok, madds, you didn't did it on purpose.." She said, "Friends?" I asked, right after that she stood up and hugged me.

"Promise me we'll never fight over boys again" she said with her pinky up, "Promise!" I chuckled, "Now you have to go and talk with Josh." I said, "But he insulted you." She said insecurely, "doesn't matter! He's your boyfriend!" I said, after that we washed our faces and did each other's makeup (which was a fun time after all the drama) and finally we looked at each other and walked out the bathroom.

"Maddie! I've been looking for- Wait? You're friends again?" Kendall asked while she was breathing for the weariness, "Yup! Friends for now and forever!" Chloe said, "That's awesome guys! Now we should all go to the girls' lounge cause everyone is waiting for us!" Kendall laughed, "ok. Let's go--" "Maddie! Can we talk?" Gino interrupted me before I could end my sentence, "Sure?" I said curiously, "come here! We need a private conversation." He said while he took my hand. I wonder what he wants...

Do you guys enjoyed this chapter? I hope I get more free time to update it ASAP! anyways this was all for today so bye! Xoxo

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