Chapter 41

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Kendall's POV

The next day after the crazy drama at the party I woke up exactly at 4:00 am and not by the alarm... "Kendall. Are you there?" Nick said from the other side of the door.

"Nick? It's too early! What are you doing here?" I said with my eyes barely opened. "We need to talk! Can you open?" He asked.

"Yeah.. Wait a minute." I said as I walked down the bunk bed. "What do you want?" I asked while I opened the door almost falling asleep.

"Listen I know everything was a big mistake. I let you go, you're the only girl that I like!" He confessed as he bend in one knee.

"Nick I-" I was about to explain him my version of what happened yesterday but he beat me to it. "I know what you're gonna say, that you're already dating that dude, Adam! But I'll wait for you!" He explained.

"I've always like you too Nick! I just invited Adam cause you were already dating Payton!" I explained. "But now you see I don't, so can you please forgive me!" Nick begged.

"Hey guys, we're trying to sleep right here!" Brooke interrupted before I could said something.

"Meet me in the gym after school!" Nick whispered as he leaved. "Ok, I'll be there!" I agreed.

"Alright explain yourself!" Maddie demand as she stood up from her bed. "Nick came to apologize!" I said excitedly. "Well at least he cares about you." Brooke said with her head down.

"Brandon broke up with me in front of everyone yesterday and he didn't apologize!" She proceed. "But brooke, he went after you left crying yesterday." Maddie explained.

"Wait.. So that explains why did I heard someone crying my name in the halls!" Brooke said. "Maybe he got tired of looking for you, and he went to his bedroom." I said.

"I need to text him!" Brooke said as she took her phone from her desk. Now it looks like all the drama is finally cleaning up a little bit.



I went to the gym to check if Nick was there, but rarely the gym was closed so I texted him and told him that it was closed.

But before I could send the text someone put their hands in my eyes and whispered in my ear "I have a surprise for you."

I was sure it was Nick, but what kind of surprise do he wanted to give me. And where if the gym was closed. "What's the surprise?" I asked as we walked through a mystery place.

"You'll see it now.." He said as he took away his hands from my eyes. The firs thing I saw was a heart made with rose petals and in the middle of it was a big teddy bear with a shirt that said our names KENDALL+ NICK I almost cried of happiness.

"Kendall, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Nick asked while he hold a rose "yes!" I replied as I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

Finally I was dating the boy I like and love and nothing could ever come in our way but I was still wondering what will happen with Brooke and Brandon and Paige and Zack....


Brooke's POV

I was about to send brandon a text but before I could I received a text from him.

Brooke, I'm so sorry for breaking up with you, I know I shouldn't treat you bad, but you didn't appreciated everything I did for you hope you can forgive me for embarrassing you yesterday.

Honestly I couldn't feel worse after reading that text, but I have to move on. Yes, I lost the only boy I've really liked, but there's nothing I can do to make him wanna be with me again.

Wait a minute... I think I can...


Guys!!! I feel so nostalgic writing this! This story is getting to an end! There are only 2 or 3 chapters left! So I just wanted to inform you that after this story ends I'm gonna continue writing my stories but I don't know which one do you want me to finish "Life Changes" "Boys Like Girls" or "He Likes My Best Friend!"
Comment down below!

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