Chapter 23

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*Monday 11:00 am*

*Chemistry Class*

Brooke's POV
Ugh.. I hate chemistry class, specially because Brandon, Zack and Lucas are in that class too.
"Ok everyone... You will be doing a chemistry project!" Our chemistry teacher said "you will be doing your project in groups of two... I'm about to tell you the groups" when he said that I knew that probably I won't do the project with Chloe or Maddie "ok so... Chloe you will be doing your work with... Lucas, Zack you're with Maddie, Brooke your partner is... Brandon!" In that moment I just wanted to run away from that classroom, "WHAT!!" Both of us said.. Ugh he's so annoying!

Brandon's POV
I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO DO THE PROJECT WITH BROOKE!! THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!! "Mr. King..are you sure that we have to do our project together" I said, but before he could answer my question the bell rang for lunch.
"Listen.. I don't want to do this project with you but, we have no choice!" Brooke said while we walked out of the chemistry room "yeah.. I know so.. Do you want to start working today on the school park?" I asked "yeah, whatever" she said.

Paige's POV
What the.. My sister will do her chemistry project with Brandon! I can't believe this! "Maddie are you totally sure! That they will do their project together?" I asked while Maddie and me walked to the cafeteria "totally!" She said.
Omg I can't believe this!!

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