Chapter 34

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Chloe's POV
Today we're going to start practicing our stupid play in drama class, I'm not excited at all! First of all because one of my best friend is going to kiss the boy I like, and also because I didn't get the main role.
"Ok, so Maddie, Josh, you may start!" Mrs. Matthews screamed,
While Maddie and Josh start preparing themselves.
"Chloe don't be sad, it's just a play!" Kendall say, trying to comfort me.
"I know but, it's really annoying to see them together", I replied.

Josh's POV
I can't believed Maddie got the role of Juliette, I was hoping Chloe would got it.
Anyways, Maddie's acting skills are awesome she is amazing portraying her character! I'm pretty sure we're getting an 'A' on Mrs Matthews class.

*After Drama Class*

"Hey bro, I heard you're kissing Maddie on a play" Brandon asked while we walked to our lockers,
"Um... Yeah I guess so" I replied, "but, aren't you happy about it?" He asked, "well, not really, I was hoping Chloe would got the role of Juliette!" I said, "um, well that's bad bro!" He said.

Maddie's POV
Ok, so I will have to kiss Josh for a play, this will be one of the most uncomfortable moments in my whole life.
I mean I will have to kiss my best friend crush, so yeah, I really don't want to do it!
"So, have you practice your play with Josh?" Kenzie asked,
"Um, yeah, you know sometimes its a bit uncomfortable but, there's nothing we can do about it!" I replied,
"Yeah, well hopefully, you guys will be better in the final presentation." She said.
"Yeah..." I agreed.


*Presentation Day*

"Oh boy, I'm really nervous", I screamed while I was getting ready for the play, "relax, everything will turn out ok!" Chloe said, in a sad tone.
"Chlo, are you ok?" I asked,
"Yeah but, I really wanted to be Juliette, but it's ok, you really deserved that paper tho." She replied.
"Ok, thanks Chlo!" I said faking a smile.

Chloe's POV
"Ladies and gentlemen this is a romantic play called Romeo and Juliette!"
Mrs Matthews, said while the audience claps with joy, in that moment my heart start racing so fast, that I was able to heard it.
I was really nervous for the Maddie and Josh kiss.
Finally the play was about to end, which means that it was about to see my bff and my crush kiss..
And in a moment... It happened.. They kissed, I couldn't contain my tears and I ran away from the theater..

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