Chapter 42

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Brooke's POV

"Zack!" I screamed as I ran to that blue boy walking down the hall. "Did you screamed?" He said as he took his earphone out of his left ear. "Yes! Do you know where's Brandon?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's finishing his French homework I think." Zack responded. "Ok, thanks!" I said as I ran to find him.

But before I could go and look for him I went to buy something...


Zack's POV

What if I hurt Paige, what if she doesn't wanna talk to me anymore, what if she end up leaving the school, and I don't see her ever again! I can't live without her! What if- "Zack!" Brooke yelled interrupting my thoughts.

After having a little convo with Brooke about Brandon and he location I went to a bench and think about the whole situation with Paige.

But before I could start thinking Paige came and sat next to me. "Zack.. We need to talk." She said as she hold her pink bunny purse. By the look on her face I knew what she wanted.

"We need to break up." We both said at the same time. "Do you wanna break up too?" She surprisedly asked. "Yeah, I just think we're not ready right now." I confessed.

"I also feel the same! We barely know each other, and we went too fast..." She agreed. At that moment I knew that even tho Paige and I weren't together, we could still be friends.

"We can start from zero and start being friends?" Paige suggested. "Yeah, I'll loved to!" I smiled. "Ice cream?" She asked for breaking that awkward silence between us.

"Sure! Let's go.." I laughed. Right after we went to buy some ice cream for us and sat in a bench to talk... For a long time may I add.


Brooke's POV

While I was looking for Nick in the boys' lounge I heard his soft voice right behind me. "Brooke?" He said. When I turned around I saw Brandon holding a letter written in a red sheet of paper.

"Brandon!" I exclaimed, as I threw his gift. "I'm sorry!" I proceed. "I should have treat you like you deserved!" I said. He said nothing for some minutes, then he hugged me and lifted me from the ground.

"I love you, Brooke. That's why I wrote you this letter." He confessed as he handed me the letter. "I don't need a letter to know that you love me." I smiled.

"But the real question is, do you love me?" He asked. "Of course I do! I knew it since the day we became a couple." I also confessed. "And now what? Are we together again?" I asked, "sure." He said as he hold my hands.

"And what did you brought me?" He asked pointing the little gift box I dropped some minutes ago. "Open it." I said. When he finally opened it, he smiled when he found out what was it.

"A picture of the first time we talked." He smiled. "Yeah, remember that day? We had this cute little food fight and we started a prank fight between boys and girls." I laughed.

"I love it" he said as he leaned to kiss me. We close our conversation with a long kiss, the best kiss ever!


Guys! Next part is about the......

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