Chapter 39

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Paige's POV

As I walked with Kenzie in the school yard, Lucas and Zack walked toward us, "Paige, Kenzie, we want to talk with you!" Zack said as they took us by our hands and guided us to separate places. "Listen Paige, I know it's too random and informal, but would you like to go to the party with me?" Zack asked.

My heart started beating like a drum and I stayed speechless but finally I took a deep breath and responded "Yes.. I'll love to!"
Right after that I hugged him followed by an unexpected kiss.

"Sorry!" He said. "No, it's ok! It was a nice kiss.." I blushed. "Maybe we should go and take an ice cream." He suggested. "Yeah. Let's go." I agreed.

Kenzie's POV

"Lucas why did you dragged me here?" I asked while Lucas sat in a bench, "I needed to tell you something!" He replied. "I'm in love with you, Mackenzie Ziegler. And I'll always be." He confessed.

"Lucas.. I like you too!" I replied. "And would you like to.. Be my girlfriend?" He asked "YES!" I yelled. That made my day, it was wonderful, beautiful, and magical! Finally I was dating the boy of my dreams.


Brooke's POV

"Wait! What! A cute boy? For real K?" I asked excitedly as I walked with kendall to our bedrooms. "Yes, this cute boy asked me for my number!" Kendall replied while she told me about this cute boy on Starbucks.

While we were walking to out bedrooms Kendall got a text. "Who texted you?" I asked. "It's Adam, the cute boy!" She replied, "what did he texted you?" I asked again. "He wants to go out with me on Saturday!" Kendall replied. "But.. The party is in Saturday." I said.

"I'll tell him about the party, and I'll ask him if he wants to come." Kendall said not taking her eyes off her phone. "He said he can! He'll be coming to the party, Brooke! Isn't it awesome!?" She said.

"Super awesome!" I replied. "Brooke! My lovely girl!" Brandon said as he walked toward Brooke with a T-shirt with Brooke's face on it, and holding a big teddy bear with a box of chocolates. "I know you already rejected me once, but you can't say 'no' this time!" He said with a big smile on his face. "Mm.. Let's try! No!" Brooke replied.

"Ok..." Brandon said as he threw the teddy bear and the chocolates on the trash can. "Brooke.. Don't you think you were too hard with him? I'll die if a boy invited me in the way he invited you!" Kendall said.

"You're kinda right, but I want to make sure he's worthy!" I replied. I actually felt bad for rejecting Brandon, he's just go cute and I don't want to loose him!


Chloe's POV

"Chloe! We need to talk!" Josh said as he entered in my room "everything was a big mistake, I like you! It's always been you!" He proceed. "It's ok, Josh. You loose yourself and you were nervous. Its ok!" I replied.

"So. Are we fine now?" He asked me. "Yes, why?" I replied. "So I can do this!" He said followed by a kiss. A beautiful kiss that lasted like 6 seconds.

After the kiss we both laughed and hugged, "wanna go to the party with me?" He asked holding my hand. "Yes, Joshie!" I joked. "Hey, kiddies! Guess who invited us to the party!" Paige said while she and kenzieventered in our room.

"Let me guess, sis, Zack invited you and Lucas invited Mackenzie." Josh guessed. "Yup, and since you guys are together I guess you already arranged the things, right?" Kenzie asked.
"Yes. We're officially together." I said.


Hey lovely people! Hope you liked this chapter! btw next chapter will be about Brooke and Brandon and Kendall/Nick/Adam! We'll see what happen at the party!


Hey I also wanted to ask you if any of you knows how to edit videos, cause I need a favor! I really want to make a wattpad trailer for this fanfic but I don't know how to edit videos! So if any of you can make me that HUGE favor I'll give you a shout out in a future chapter of every of my stories! Let me know in the comments! Bye love you!❤

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