Chapter 32

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Chloe's POV
"... And then he asked me to be his girlfriend!" Kenzie whispered while we were in algebra class, "omg kenzie, really!?" I said excitedly, but before she could say a word the bell rang.

"Ugh... I have to go to history class.. Anyways, see ya in lunch!" Kenzie said while she took out her books out of her locker, "ok!
Bye kenz!" I said while she entered to the history classroom.

After she left I took my phone out to check out my social media, but before I could refresh my feed on ig, a felt some sweating arms around me, "what the..." I yelled, but before I could finish my 'phrase' I turned around and look at Josh with his sweat gym clothes.

"Oh.. It's you!" I said while I giggled "yeah babe!" He respond.
"So... What do you want to do now?" I asked while I hold his hand, "um.. Maybe we can go to the janitors closet again..." He said while he laughed, "ha,ha so funny!" I said. "We can go to the movies?" I asked. "Perfect blondie!" He said, after that we both waited until all of our class finished so we could go to the movies.

5:35 PM

Paige's POV
"Hey kenz, did you know why Chloe hasn't come yet?" I asked while kenzie checked her phone "um... I think she's watching a movie with Josh" she answered. "Aww, cuties!" I said.


"Hi Paige!" Zack said while I took out my books out of my locker, "oh, hi boy!" I said, "need help?" He asked "please!" I said. After that he took my books and my backbag and walked with me to my next class. "Thanks for helping me!" I said smiling at him, "no problem! Anytime you need help with something count on me! I'll always be there for you, remember that!" He said. "Thank you, I said while I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Zack's POV
Wow! Apparently she likes the gentlemen, I guess I'll start to be one with her 24/7! "Hey bro! Great kiss, huh?" Nick say interrupting my thoughts, "yeah! I really want her to be my girlfriend." I said "yeah it's obvious" he replied. "And what about you? How are the things going with Kendall?" I asked "well I really want to but, I don't know.. She has been very close with a dude called Matthew, and I think she likes him.." He replied sadly. "Oh... Don't worry bro! I bet you like her more than that dude.." I said "thanks man." He replied while he walked away.

Hii guys! It's me again! Sorry for not updating but I have been really busy lately! But here is a new chapter of my fanfic!!!
Soo.. Comment down below some opinions about what do you want to happen in the next chapter!
Kk that was all! Bye guys :))))

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