Chapter 33

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Maddie's POV
Ugh... Music and Theater class.. This is the most boring class ever! I hate it so much, but Chloe seems to love it..
"Isn't this the best class ever!" Chloe said while she wrote some notes on her index cards, "ugh is soo boring I don't understand why do you like it.." I replied.
"Ok class, so for our first class project we're doing a play called 'Romeo and Juliette', is a beautiful love story!" Mrs. Matthews said.
"The auditions will be on next Thursday, hope all of you guys audition!" She proceed.
"Aww... I will love to get the role of Juliette!" Chloe whispered, "and I hope to get the role of Romeo.." Josh said, while she winked at Chloe.

*Thursday - 2:00pm*

Chloe's POV
"Come on Maddie! The auditions are in exactly one hour, please audition with me!" I begged while Maddie was doing her homework,
"that's not happening Chloe! I hate acting or dancing in front of a bunch of people.." She replied.
"Please!!! I don't want to audition alone! I'm scare!
I said, "ugh.. Fine I'll go, but only because you're my bestie!" She said.

*After Auditions*

Wow Maddie's acting is on point! She knew all the lines, and her expressions are perfect!
"You did a great job Madds" I said congratulating Maddie, "thanks Chlo! You're auditions was perfect tho!" She said. "Ok little pickles, the results for the play will be on the bulletin board on Monday!" Mrs. Matthews said while she picked her stuff.


Paige's POV
Chloe has been really annoying lately since she's so impatient for knowing the results for Mrs. Matthews play. "I need to check the bulletin board and see if the results are already there!" She said jumping of excitement, "Chloe, what if you don't get the role of Juliette?" I asked, "pff.. I don't think that will ever happen!" She said. "Paigey can you read the results for me I'm so scared" Chloe asked, "sure" I replied,
"Ok.. So here are the results
Romeo will he played by Josh Hyland,
And Juliette will be played by.... MADDIE!!"
I screamed, "what?" Chloe asked, "oh.. Chloe I'm so sorry!" I said while I hugged her, "don't worry I'll be ok.." She said with tears falling down her cheeks.
"Hi! Sup girls!" Maddie said, "Maddie congrats you get the role of Juliette!" I said, "WHAT! I thought Chloe will got it!" She screamed, "nope, I didn't, you did" Chloe said.

Hii guys! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm so sorry that it's short, but I want the rest of the story to be cliffhanging! ;))

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