Chapter 30

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Kenzie's POV
I was at the cafeteria eating a tuna sandwich when Chloe came running to my table "Hi Kenz..!!" She screamed "oh hi Chlo, what happened to you" I said "you won't believe what just happened to me.. JOSH KISSED ME!!" She screamed "what!!! But.. How? Why? When??" I said shocked.

"Well.. We were at the janitors closet, and then we looked at each other's eyes and then BAMM it happens.." She said excitedly " oh my God Chlo congrats!! Finally Cosh is happening!" I said laughing while I gave her a hug.

We were having fun talking about her and Josh when an annoying voice start talking to us, "what are you talking about losers, Josh is MY boyfriend!" Kalani (the annoying voice) said.
"Aww.. Poor Kalani.. She doesn't know what happened between you and Josh, Chlo" I said laughing "wait.. WHAT!?!" She said, "whops.. Too much information baby.. Bye.." I said, after that we get up from our seats and leave.

*Bell Rings*

"I gotta go to my art class Chlo, see ya later!" I said, while she looked up for her English books in her locker, "ok, bye kenz.." She said.

*Art Class*

"Ziegler! You're late!!" My art teacher screamed while she pointed at my seat "sorry Mrs Clark it won't happen again" I said embarrassed, "what happen to you Kenzie?" Lucas asked worried while I sat, next to him.

"Umm.. Nothing important." I said, but before I could say another word I looked at Lucas' work, HE WAS DRAWING ME!! "Um.. May I ask why are you drawing me?" I asked nervously, "well, msr Clark told us to draw the prettiest thing we've ever seen..
So I draw you.." He said nervously "it's beautiful, thank you Lucas." I said while I gave him a kiss on his cheak.

"What did you did that for?" He asked, "for being the cutest guy I ever met." I said, after that we both smiled at each other, and keep working on our classworks.

Lucas' POV

OMG.. Mackenzie just gave me a kiss!! I can't believe it!! She's just so beautiful!! I wonder if she wants to go out with me sometime. Maybe I should ask her..
"So.. Do you have any plans for tomorrow at night?" I asked,
"Mm.. Nope, just doing my homework.. Why?" She said
"Umm.. I was wondering if you would like to go to take an ice cream with me tomorrow?" I asked "sure! I'd love to!" She said.
"Great!" I said, "cool!" She replied.

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