Chapter 38

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*the next day*

Kendall's POV

I woke up feeling different today, but a good kind of different. I have this beautiful feeling that tells me that Nick's gonna invite me to the party today. When I went to my locker to take out my history book Maddie walked towards me "Uh.. Hi Kendall.." Maddie said, "I need to tell you something."

"Can't you wait until lunch?" I replied while I applied some strawberry lip gloss and checked myself in my locker's mirror. "No, it's important!" She said right before the bell interrupted her.
"Sorry, I gotta go to class! Oh but, before I go, I need to tell you... That I think Nick will invite me to the party! Isn't it amazing!?" I said while I jumped of excitement.

"Well Kendall about that-" "sorry Maddie my class is already starting, see ya!" I said waving my hand and leaving.

Maddie's POV

I don't know how to tell Kendall Nick already has a date. She's just too excited and I don't want her to feel bad.. "Hey sis" kenzie said interrupting my thoughts. "Uh. Hi Kenz. How were your classes?" I asked while I walked through the halls with her.

"Great! Hey by the way did you already told Kendall?"
"Tell me what?" Kendall said from the Science Lab door, "that... Lucas already invited kenzie to the party right kenzie?" I lied, "yeah. Sure.." Kenzie lied back. "Awe that's too cute! Maybe after school we can all go to the mall, you know, to buy some clothes for the party!" Kendall added excitedly.

That literally broke my heart. Kendall is too happy right now and I don't wanna crash her illusions.

'What happened Madds?! I thought you were gonna tell her!" Kenzie said. "I can't, Ok? I have no heart to make her feel bad!" I exclaimed. Kenzie nod.


"Hey Maddie we're grabbing lunch at the mall, wanna come?" Paige asked with her head popped in through the doorway of my room. "Um thanks Paige but I have to finish a report." I lied, cause I wasn't in my 'mall mood'. "Come on, Maddie! Maybe we can-"

"Is everything ok Paige?" I asked, while Paige checked her phone. "Yeah.. You know what? Finish your report I have things to do.." She said with a big smile on her face as she leaved.

Now that Paige's gone I can finally think in how I can tell Kendall about Nick already having a date for the party.

Nick's POV

"Hey Nick! What's up!?" Payton asked as she walked towards me in the boys' lounge. "Uh hey Payton." I replied. "Is everything ok? You seem a little nervous" she asked while she passed her fingers through my hair, with her lips really closed to mines. "Do you want to kiss me?" She whispered. I stayed speechless, I mean, you can't kiss someone you don't like! "Well I-"

BOOM! She kissed me. "Nick?" I heard a softly voice in front of us. "What is she doing here, Nick?" Payton asked. "How could you? At least you should've told me you didn't liked me in a romantic way! You're the worse!" Kendall said with tear already falling off her eyes. "Kendall can you let me explain-"

"Save it! I hate you!" She interrupted as she pushed me toward the couch and leaved. "Whoah.. She's crazy! Right Nicky?" Payton said. "No, I'm the crazy one, here." I whispered.

"Sorry Payton I can't go to the party with you! I don't like you, I like Kendall and I'll always like her!" I said while I picked my stuff and leaved the lounge.

Kendall's POV

I went to my room so I could cry in private, but the privacy didn't last a lot of time. "Hey Ken- Why are you crying?" Brooke asked as she entered in our room. "Nick. He was kissing Payton Ackerman!" I cried. "Kendall... Don't cry! He doesn't deserve you!" Brooke said while she sat in my bedroom and hugged me.

"You know what? Stand up! We're going to the mall!" Brooke added. "No.. I feel too bad, brooke." I said. "Come on! We can go to Starbucks and drink something." She suggested. "Say no more! Let's go!" I joked.

Finally at the mall while we were drinking our Starbucks Brandon walked toward Brooke and me wearing a tuxedo and five roses on his right hand. "Brooke Marie Hyland, would you like to go on a date with me?" Brandon said as he bend in one knee. "No!" Brooke replied. "Bu-but why?!" Brandon asked.
"It's too fake..." She replied "maybe you should think in another way of inviting me."

After that Brandon leaved with a sad expression on his face. Brooke left to pay the bill when this cute boy sat in our table. "Uh.. It's taken." I said. In that moment he lifted his eyes off his phone and looked at me with his big blue eyes. "Oh.. I'm sorry! I was with my phone and I didn't noticed." He replied, "I'll leave now."

He had this perfect smile and his hair was a tone of ligh brown and his eyes... His eyes were blue. "Before I go, can I know your name?" He asked. "Kendall.. I'm Kendall, what's your name?" I asked back. "Adam. And do you have a phone number? And if you do can we exchange numbers?" He joked.

"Sure.." I replied. Then we both exchange numbers and promised to keep in contact. Honestly, after all the drama with Nick, this day was awesome!

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