Wake up

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authors note: hey guys, this is my first ever story so, I hope you like it.

"Y/N WAKE UP, B**** don't make me slap that face of yours." f/n screamed in your face, f/n was your best friend growing up and you still both acted like you were 14 years old, even though you are both 19. f/n was very beautiful, and she had the most hilarious laugh you had ever heard. You and f/n both adored black butler with a passion and you could both sing the intro off by heart. You always found it so funny when Grell Sutcliff came on the screen because f/n was absolutely in love with him...or her. You on the other hand was head over heels for Sebastian Michaelis ohhhh he was so sexy that every time you saw him you had a massive nosebleed. Even though he was a demon you felt sorry for him at the end of season 2.(If you don't know what happened you should be watching it NOW) You always said to f/n that if you could somehow manage to get back Ciel's soul you would let Sebastian have it.

"Urgh what are you doing here so early." you asked with a sleepy smirk.

" Hey, you PROMISED that we were going to have a black butler marathon today, so we're going to have to start early." You stared into her e/c eyes and ,with a groan, you got up and started to make breakfast, not bothering to change from your PJ's. "Today's menu is PANCAKES." You were always the one who had to make breakfast you didn't mind though. You always thought how Sebastian could serve you your breakfast, he would come in to your room topless and hand you a plate of delicious scones. You slapped yourself out of you thoughts because you didn't want another nosebleed.

You called up to f/n "HEY, you want chocolate sauce on your pancakes!" you knew that she did you just wanted to be sure. You never know if its her time of the month so just to be certain. You always made the best pancakes ever and not even the teacher at collage, who taught cookery, could beat your ones.

"GIRL ARE YOU HIGH, of course I do!" she called back. you were singing 'my heart will go on' from titanic while f/n got Netflix ready. You suddenly noticed that a raven was siting on the windowsill in the kitchen. you thought to yourself how beautiful it was it was the same colour black as Sebastian's hair. You looked at it for a while when the thought occurred to you, Sebastian was a raven demon, and just as you was about to walk over to it dropped something and then it left with a nod of its head, "WTF". you said, but what really intrigued you was the object it left behind... it was a black rose in full bloom. It was the prettiest thing you had ever seen, other than looking in the mirror ha-ha. You took it and ran back up stairs to f/n.

"OMG its so FABULOUSSSSSS! she exclaimed. you told her what had happed and she looked at you in disbelief "how could it have been Sebastian he's not even real!" f/n told you. 

"Meh what does it matter just start black butler" you said as you both touched the soft, velvety petals. Oh it was so delicate. at that moment you felt a pain in the side of your head, and your eyes became heavy. You looked over at f/n and she was struggling to keep her eyes open. She suddenly fell on the ground unconscious! You saw black and red smoke cover her body until you fell to the floor losing you consciousness.

Sebastian's P.O.V:

I was serving the young master when I heard a loud rustling of trees and an unusual 'BUMP' coming from out side. I excused myself form the young lord and walked out side to see what all the commotion was about.

"it is probably just Finnian messing around with the trees again." I said to myself.

I stepped out side to see two young ladies unconscious on the ground by the roses. they were dressed very oddly, they were probably from a different country however I looked more closely and saw that they were the women I saw in my vision, the ones I left the black rose for. one of them had h/l h/c hair and the most beautiful s/c skin. the other had f/h/l, f/h/c and f/s/c. I decided to take them inside and put them in the guest room with the two double beds.

 I looked at them more closely and I noticed they both had a rose pattern on their necks. their souls are complicated to describe its almost as if they are not there but they are yet so delicate and flavourful. you would have to be so careful with them.

so softly they started to wake up "oh Sebastian." you said in your sleep.

 "good morning, my lady" I asked in wonder at how she knew my name.

your P.O.V:

Blackness completely covered all around you, but you then felt a pair of lean arms wrap around your waist and soft kisses were placed on your neck. You turned around and saw the raven haired butler before you, his red orbs peering into your very soul. You leaned in to kiss his soft velvet lips. You enjoyed the soft touch of Sebastian. Your lips danced in time with his and you let out a small moan "oh Sebastian." You said before he placed his index finger on your lips" I think its time for you to wake up." and with that, he vanished into darkness as you awoke from your magical dream.

"Good morning my lady." Said a familiar voice.

You looked around you and saw that you were in a huge bedroom with a red and gold patterned wall and an enormous chandelier you looked over to where the voice came from, and you saw the butler from your dream. You froze in place and just started at him. "This cant be real. can it?" You thought to yourself.

"Are you alright my lady?" Sebastian asked you. You were dazed, but you suddenly grabbed the knife that Sebastian gave to you as he handed you breakfast he made. You quickly stabbed the knife into your hand."Ahhhhrr!!!"

"My lady!" Sebastian took the knife away from you. He held your hand, bandaged it up with a bandage and kissed your wound. You blushed as you looked at Sebastian rubbing your delicate hand with his thumb. "I'm sorry I thought I was dreaming, I apologise Sebastian." He gave you a shocked look. "How do you know my name?"

author's note: don't worry there will be more soon but I have a wedding tomorrow so I will see you after. love ya!!!!!!! and plz like and vote .

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