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Ciel's person P.O.V.

I sat at my desk, waiting for my tea, while flicking through the file that the undertaker gave to me about y/n. I hope Sebastian can keep his cool, I know how in love with cats he is and this better not interfere with his work. just then y/n came in with a smile on her face, but as quick as she came in she soon ran back out again as if she had forgotten something. "Y/N come back in here and explain the meaning of what just happend." I yelled. she slowly made she way back in, but she stayed close to the door as if I turned into some kind of monster. "sorry Ciel but I know that you are allergic to cats so im trying to stay at a safe distance." I looked at her and sighed. I handed the file I was reading to her. "i knew that I might have a problem with you and your fur when you turned, so I asked the undertaker if I would have any trouble, and the answer was no, so my allergies will not affect you and I." y/n had a gleam in her eye as she pounced on me and gave me a deadly hug almost suffocating me. luckily im used to it because of Elizabeth. "Sebastian will be here soon, can we do... a little experiment?" she said. I looked at her puzzled "what sort of experiment?" I said. "well... if Sebastian is simply one hell of a butler, he shouldn't get distracted when he is serving his master... I bet I can distracted him." I looked at her in disbelief "I bet that you cant, he doesn't get distracted in the slightest." It was true, when he has a task Sebastian knows not to get distracted. "care to make this interesting? If I win you have to stay at the trancy manor..... for a whole day and a night." i looked at her in shock as she smirked. i have to think of something that could be as equally bad. i smirked at i thought of a brilliant idea. "ok if i win you have to do all of Sebastian's chores and you have to tell me what happens to me in the future." she thought for a minute "deal?" "deal!" we shook hands, but i felt a roaring pain in my hand as i looked at it, there was another mark like Sebastian's. y/n looked at her hand and she had the same mark. "Ciel, what happend are you ok?" she asked me "im fine...y/n, i think we just made a temporary contract!" she looked scared and her ears went down. " what's wrong y/n" i asked her "you don't think I'll have to take your soul at the end do you?" i looked at her and smiled "don't worry Sebastian is the only one who can, and will, get my soul." she perked up and hugged me. "come on let's get your gloves we don't want Sebastian to find out hehe."

Your P.O.V

you went to get Ciel's gloves when a certain butler stopped you. you quickly and slyly hid your hands behind you back. "sup bro...hehe" he noticed that you put your hands behind your back. "well if it isn't my little kitten, and what are you hiding my dear." you put one hand over your face to stop a nosebleed but you forgot that you left hand had the contract symbol on. you quickly ran away before Sebastian saw. you grabbed Ciel's gloves and ran back to his study. you got to his study as Sebastian walked in. you actually pounced on Sebastian before he reached Ciel. "here are your gloves, my lord, oh and is our deal still in order?" you asked as you got up and gave Ciel the gloves. he nodded and you offered Sebastian your hand. "Sebastian do you think i could borrow some white cotton gloves like yours please?" he looked at you and then started to pour Ciel's tea. "i think i have some that you can borrow how long will you need them for exactly?" you smirked and looked at Ciel "oh i will give them back at the end of the day, won't i Ciel." Ciel gave you a smug look "yes. Sebastian i want some tea." "yes, my lord."

Sebastian started to pour the tea and you knew exactly how to distract him. you took out a ball of string form your pocket and started to play with it like a cat. the truth is you was having fun playing with the string and you saw Sebastian look lovingly at you. you wanted to really get his attention, so you did your cutest meow. Ciel knew you was winning so he decided to cough to get Sebastian to look at him. " Sebastian, what is my schedule for today." " well my lord, today you...." at this moment brushed your tail against Sebastian's nose as you walked passed. you knew Sebastian just wanted to be with you right now but he was not giving in that easily. you had to step it up a bit, so you had to go to a last resort. "oh Sebastian" you said in a cute but sexy voice. " do you think i could pour the tea." you looked at him with your ears down and your tail swished from side to side. Sebastian completely stopped his work which caught Ciel and yourself by surprise. you walked over to the tea and poured Ciel his tea as Sebastian stood in awe. you gave Ciel his tea and smirked as you ripped you glove off, that was covering your contract, with you teeth and whispered "check mate." Sebastian looked at the contract on your hand and Ciel took his gloves off slowly to reveal the same mark. "don't worry Sebastian, our contract is still in place, I just made a temporary deal with y/n, more of a bet actually." Ciel said in a monotone voice. "i think that you might have to pack Ciel's bag for an over night stay at...the trancy's. MWAHAHAHA!" you laughed at Ciel as he looked down in defeat, but you soon slapped yourself mentally.

f/n ran through the door and you nearly cried into her arms. "F/N im so stupid.... I made a bet with ciel and I won but that's not the point!" she looked at you and sighed. "what did you do this time?" you looked at Sebastian and said to f/n "Ciel is going to the trancy's for a day and a night because I won a bet and you know....what will happen to him." f/n's eyes widened and she nearly screamed " OMG WE ARE GOING TRANCY'S AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME AHHHHH I LOVE ALOIS SOOO MUCH HE IS JUST THE CUTEST LITTLE THING!" " alois trancy is NOT cute" you and Ciel both said. you walked over to Sebastian in shame and hugged him tightly. "i don't want to make you go." Sebastian smiled at you and kissed your head. "you know that I don't like Claude, but you did make a deal with my young master, so we are going to the trancy's....but you have to come with us." you looked at Sebastian and kissed his lips. "ok" you softly said. "OMG YOU AND SEBASTIAN ARE SO KAWAII!" f/n squealed. ciel looked at you and smiled a genuine smile. he walked over to you and hugged you. you stepped back a little shocked, not knowing what to do so you hugged back. when he let go he corrected himself "that was your birthday present so.... happy birthday y/n." you smirked and looked at Sebastian. "ahhh, is ciel becoming soft, because if so then Sebastian is going to kill me so..." you giggled "im not soft, im just offering good manors." you hugged ciel again and pulled Sebastian in for one as well. "awww you lot look like a family that's so adorable." f/n stated. you had to agree with f/n it did feel nice to be hugging ciel like he was your own son, but you shock he thought out of your head. you let go of ciel and said "don't be silly, as much as I love ciel, I cant... never mind." you stood up and walked out of the room.

sebastians P.O.V

I excused my self from the room and went after y/n.

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