the trancy manor

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Your P.O.V

You woke up this morning to find a very smug Sebastian, with his arms around your waist, smirking at you. "what are you looking at, and normally when you smile you are about to kill someone or you have seen a cat hehe." you said as you snuggled into Sebastian's chest. "well I did have fun last night and I am looking at a species of cat." he replied with a smirk. you remembered you little 'gift' from Sebastian last night, you blushed a deep shade of red and hid your face in his chest. Sebastian got up to prepare for the trip. you looked at his amazing body as he dressed him self. you could feel your nose start to bleed so you quickly grabbed a tissue from your bag. you were still looking at Sebastian and didn't even realize that he was going deliberately slowly just to tease you. you got up and started to get dressed your self, as you felt two cotton gloves slip around you waist, and light kisses on your neck. "its rude to stare, my little kitten." you giggled because he was tickling your neck with his lips. "s-stop sebas-haha-tian." he smirked and gave you a quick peck on the lips before he went to wake Ciel.

after you got dressed into a formal gown, because you wanted to make a good impression for alois and Claude, you packed your bag and made your way outside. you were surprised because you saw a different carriage to the one you normally rode in. you then saw Sebastian putting the bags onto the carriage, but he didn't look too happy. you then saw Ciel and went up to talk to him. "hey Ciel, where is the normal carriage?" Ciel looked at you and said. "well since you won the bet, I sent a letter to the trancy's and they have come to pick us up." you looked at him and nearly laughed at how annoyed he looked. you then heard a squeal of excitement as f/n ran next to you. " OMG ITS FUCKING ALOIS HE IS SO CUTE!!!!" you looked at f/n and said "omg I actually thought you were Elizabeth, f/n stop squealing." Ciel laughed out load and Sebastian and you both looked at him surprised. you then decided to see Sebastian, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him talking to Claude. you quickly ran over to Sebastian and wanted to test how jealous he would get. " hello Claude, im y/n l/n its nice to meet you." Claude looked a little shocked when you said his name but that quickly faded. "its a pleasure to meet you," he said in a monotone voice, " how, might I ask, do you know my name?" you told him the whole story of how you and f/n came to be in this world. "well it does sound like a journey please let me help you." he said as he took your bags and put them on the carriage. you then watched f/n pounce on Claude and scream " OMG ITS THE AMAZING SPIDER DEMON CLAUDE FAUSTUS. YOUR SO AWESOME." you pulled f/n off of Claude and offered to help him up. "OMG IT TOTALLY LOOKED LIKE YOU HAD AN ORGASUM WHEN YOU TASTED CIELS BLOOD, THAT WAS SO LOL!" you looked like you was going to stab f/n, she just remembered and covered her mouth. Claude raised one eyebrow and Sebastian looked like he was about to explode. "miss y/n I think you better explain your self when we get back to the manor." Claude said and turned to get onto the drivers seat. Sebastian death glared Claude as you all got into the carriage. you sat down next to Sebastian and ciel and the carriage started to move. f/n and yourself were singing again, but this time you were singing be prepared from the lion king.

I know that your powers of retention,

Are as wet as a warthog's backside,

But thick as you are, pay attention,

My words are a matter of pride.

It's clear from your vacant expressions,

The lights are not all on upstairs,

But we're talking kings and successions,

Even you can't be caught unawares.

So prepare for a chance of a lifetime,

Be prepared for sensational news,

A shining new era is tiptoeing nearer,

And where do we feature?

Just listen to teacher,

I know it sounds sordid but you'll be rewarded,

When at last I am given my dues!

And in justice deliciously squared,

Be prepared!

"what is that song called?" Ciel asked. you and f/n laughed "be prepared, its from the lion king why?" Ciel looked out of the window. "i like it, that is all." you looked at Ciel and said "it reminds me of you and your soul." Sebastian and Ciel looked at you and f/n asked "what do you mean?" you felt a little awkward but you carried on. "all of the main characters in black butler are each of the seven deadly sins. Ciel is pride, Sebastian is greed, Claude is gluttony, alois is envy, grell is lust, Hannah is wrath, and lau is sloth. you all fit them its funny really." all of them looked at you in shock. "what...have I got shit on my face." f/n laughed at the reference to the mighty boosh, but Sebastian and Ciel were still confused. " ok let me make this simple for you. Sebastian you hunger for Ciel's soul because he is full of pride and that is what you find most delicious about his soul. am I wrong?" Sebastian smirked at Ciel then said "yes, my kitten that is the truth." you continued to tell you theory. "so Ciel, each time you say a speech or anything that makes you feel proud to be the Earl Phantomhive, it makes Sebastian want to devour your soul. with. every. word." Ciel swallowed, as Sebastian's eyes went pink. "looks like your getting hungry Sebastian." you laughed as the carriage stopped.

Claude opened the door and helped you all out except for Sebastian. you looked at the manor and f/n shivered as she saw hundreds of spiders on there webs. f/n hugged your arm and squealed one of fear and excitement. "f/n look there not going to do anything watch." you walked up to the nearest spider and picked it up gently. you started to play with it in your hands and walked over to f/n. she started to back away from you, as you got closer to her, you then decided to chase her with the spider held out in your hands, pretending to drop it every now and then. "y/n please don't, ah! come on you know how much they creep me out, ah! STOP!" she screamed when ever you came near her. you laughed evilly and stopped. "oh come on there not that bad f/n." you put the spider down on its web. "there you go little guy." Claude and Sebastian looked at each other. "i must say miss y/n, I didn't know you had a fondness of spiders." Claude said and you could make out a tiny smile on his face. "was that a smile Claude, wow the first emotion you have every expressed!" you smirked as you walked over to Sebastian. "oh and by the way Claude, I don't have a fondness for spiders, I just don't fear them." and with that you walked in side the manor, but you didn't expect what would happen next.

oooooooooooo what did you see? cliff hanger much hehe! any way thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment. chow for now my little neko's.    :3 <3

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