The kiss

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You stared in disbelief at Menez because you have only spoken to him on skype so this was all new to you. You run up to him and hugged him. "How the fuck did you get here?" You only thought you and f/n got here because of the black rose that the raven left. "Well I saw a crow thing leave a rose on my bed and I don't remember anything beyond that." He said rubbing his head as if tying to remember something. "Okay wait here....F/N I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING OF YOURS!!" You heard f/n run down the stairs, but see wasn't being careful and she tripped. "AHH!" She screamed as she started to fall, but thanks to your demon half you caught her before any harm could come to her. "JESUS F/N WATCH WHERE YOUR RUNNING!" You carried her the rest of the way down the stairs. "WOW how did you do that y/n!" Menez and f/n said at the same time, you thought to yourself. Should you tell him that your a neko, what would he say? Just then Sebastian walked in the room and that gave you the brilliant idea to say " Well you see, I am simply one hell of a friend. hehe"  Everyone looked at you, even Sebastian smirked a little. "FINE, I'll find a different catchphrase haha."

F/n and menez talked to each other while you went into the garden. On the way you saw a little black cat and a very familiar butler. Sebastian looked at you as if you had caught him selling drugs. You gave him a reassuring smile and sat next to him on the floor and played with the kitten.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I was walking in the garden after scolding finnian when I saw a beautiful black feline walking towards me. "Such grace and a lean, majestic body." I said to my self. Suddenly I saw y/n come round the corner, but she smiled at me and started to play with he kitten next to me. How am I going to control myself tomorrow when she turns into a full neko. She is already too much for me to handle with her beautiful h/l h/c hair and her deep pools of e/c eyes. They say that the eyes are the door to your soul and whenever I look in to her eyes I see and smell her delicious soul it makes me want to never look away. "Sebastian, are you okay, you look like you did, when you found out that Ciel's soul w-" She stopped herself by putting a hand over her mouth. This caught my interest. "I found out that Ciel's soul was what?" She looked at me and said "Well.... I cant tell you" she looked sad and I don't know why but I pulled y/n into a warm embrace she held me tightly, so what ever happend to Ciel must have really got to her.

"Y/n did you say it was your birthday tomorrow?" She shot up in surprise. " OMG IM GOING TO BE FUCKING 20. Oh no what about mum and dad I have to see them." I looked at her with a heavy heart. I have to tell her why I left the rose on her windowsill. "Y/n, do you want to know why I left that rose on your windowsill?" She looked at me with questioning eyes, oh no its happening again, its her eyes, their so hypnotic. I sighed "Im truly sorry but.. I left it there so I could bring you here, to tell you in person that.... your parents died in an incident when they were driving home... im sorry." She looked at me with tears poring down her face. "NOOO...THEY COULDNT HAVE... ITS...its!" She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried into my tail coat. What's wrong with me... shouldn't have these emotions. I think it must be her... I do her. I have to tell how I feel, but... what if she doesn't feel the same way, what if she thinks im playing with her emotions because she knows that demons cant love, but.... I do.

Your P.O.V

"NOOO...THEY COULDNT HAVE...ITS...its!" You felt your heart get completely ripped out of your body and you wrapped your arms around the closest thing to you, fortunately it was Sebastian. You cried into his chest and wanted nothing but his embrace. You felt warm as Sebastian held you in his arms. You loved him, you really did, you wanted Sebastian to love you back but you knew that demons cant love. That made you cry even more, but then Sebastian said something that made you stop. "Y/n.... would you like an early birthday present?" You looked at him, and he wiped your eyes with his hand. He leaned in and slowly placed his soft lips on yours. You closed you eyes and kissed back. Nothing else mattered you just wanted this kiss to last forever. Did Sebastian love you? Well it was him that kissed you first. Just then Sebastian deepened the kiss and you felt fire light your heart as he bit your bottom lip. You let out a little moan of pleasure and kissed Sebastian with all your heart and soul, and you knew that he liked it.

You both pulled away even though you didn't want to. You stared into Sebastian's red orbs and knew instantly he loved you, for you saw it his soul. You smiled and heard him say something that made your heart flutter. "Y/n... I please will you be mine?" Without question you replied "Yes..i love you too." You held each other in another embrace and you fell asleep in Sebastian's arms.

sorry for the short chapter but if was making me cry hehe.

A gift from a raven(Sebastian x reader modern)Where stories live. Discover now