what are you doing here?

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You started to wake up from what you thought was a dream. "mmm... f/n? I had the most fucked up dream. It was me and you... and we were in black butler, and omg Sebastian is ever hotter in person!" You opened your eyes to see that you were defiantly not in you bed and you hear that f/n was having a laughing fit next to you and you knew exactly what was going on. " Oh really y/n?" Sebastian said with a smirk. You threw a pillow at his face. He obviously caught it and you blushed and felt you self have a nose bleed, you lick your lip to make sure it was blood. "Ewwww y/n how can you do that, I mean I've seen you do it before but still ewwww!" F/n squealed as you wiped your face and tried to get it on her face. "Hahaha, now I know how to torcher you MWAHAHAHA." You said trying to force her to give up. " Sebastian help me haha." You said to him. After eventually getting your blood on f/n you stood up and said "Maybe being half demon isn't so bad after all." Your eyes glow purple and you felt you head hurt again. "Lady f/n I think you should let lady y/n get dressed. You completely forgot you were in your PJ's and you blushed a bright pink as you jumped across the room into you bed. "Right, that's why you want me gone." F/n said as she winked at you and left the room.

You were left in the room with Sebastian and you felt awkward about what you said earlier. "Um are you just going to stand there?" "I apologize my lady. Now... shall i help you get into your corset?" You looked at him and forgot that you were in the Victorian period and that you had to ware a dress! "Um..u...m....ok" You said shyly and shocked. Sebastian pulled out a black corset and gave you a devilish look. " Lady y/n your going to have take off your clothes, but don't worry i wont see a thing." Sebastian said as he took off his tie and tied it across his eyes. "I know you can still see, but who am i to question Sebastian Michaelis." You quickly took off your clothes and Sebastian started to tie the corset. You suddenly remembered the corset seen with Ciel and how pain full it looked. "Ah..urgh....se...Sebastian!" You felt your lungs being squeezed to the point that it nearly made you throw up. You really didn't want to show how much pain you were in, so you tried to not to speak till it was over. "There, that wasn't to hard was it my lady." You want to slap Sebastian in the face so hard that it would leave a mark, but you held back and just said. "No don't worry about it, I didn't need to breath anyway!"

Sebastian then helped you into an elegant, black gown that had f/c lace trim at the bottom and a s/f/c  ribbon to go around your waist. you looked at your self in the mirror you looked lovely but something didn't feel right. "Sebastian, you can take the blindfold off now, oh and could you get me my bag that I had with me." Sebastian took the blindfold off and stared at you as if he had never seen a woman before. " You look absolutely..lovely lady y/n." You blushed and turned around. Sebastian handed you your bag as you giggled excitedly as you want to surprise Sebastian with something. " Close you eyes Sebastian while I sort something out." Sebastian closed his eyes and you pulled the cat ears head band and placed them on you head. "Open up Sebastian!" Sebastian opened his eyes as you gave a soft purr. "Lady y/n....you are adorable." Sebastian slowly walked closer to you. You saw him lift his hand up to touch your hair and you felt him start to stroke your ears. Then he did something you didn't expect he held you cheek in his soft gloved hand. Warmth suddenly spread through your face. " I-I was j-just seeing what I looked like with cat ears since I know im going to be a neko tomorrow." You said as Sebastian leaned in closer to your face. You knew he was going to kiss you any moment now, but sadly you also know that demons don't feel love so before he got any closer you held your hand up to his lips and said "Sorry Sebastian but I don't want you to do anything that you will regret" And with that you took off the head band and put it back in your bag. "I'm sorry my lady but you are just to irresistible with your ears, I hope can forgive me, but before I go need to give you something." "Don't worry Sebastian it was my fault, I know your love of cats can get out of control, and what is it?"

You said as Sebastian gave you a necklace with a black rose as in the centre was the contract symbol on Sebastian's hand. "Wow OMG Sebastian its amazing, but one question does the symbol do anything because you already have a contract with Ciel." He laughed as he tied it around your neck. "Don't worry my lady its just for detail." Sebastian finished and you looked at the mirror it was beautiful. "Um Sebastian do you think I could look and the symbol on your hand? Sebastian thought and nodded " As you wish my lady" He said and pulled his glove with his teeth in the most sexy way possible and it revealed the symbol of his and Ciel's contract "WOW its amazing, can I touch it?" Sebastian nodded you touch his hand and you felt the strength that it held between the demon and his prey. It made you feel sad that Sebastian wont get Ciel's soul. The bond between them would be enough to power a house! You looked at Sebastian and you felt a tear run down your face. "My lady, is something wrong?" You quickly wiped the tear and said "No, but thanks Sebastian." You said and without thinking you kissed him on the cheek. You saw him slightly blush, which made you laugh, but before you walked off to see Ciel, you said "Oh and just call me... y/n."

You couldn't believe you just kissed Sebastian fucking Michaelis. His skin was so soft, like velvet. As you arrived at Ciel's study, you put your hand on your necklace and said "Ok, I just have to stay chillaxed." You knocked on the door and heard Ciel's voice say "Enter." You opened the door and walked inside. Ciel looked at you and said "Y/n, as you know I have always thought about the decisions I have made in my life and how they can effect me in what little left I have of my future. I know that I have very little family left, but that song brought back the pain and torcher that I went through and I just wanted to say...." Ciel stop talking as he moved closer to you. "....Thank you." and with that Ciel did something that melted your heart, CIEL WAS HUGGING YOU, you looked at him and said "F-for w-what, I thought you was going to be fucking angry at me." He shook his head "Y/n, you opened my eyes to how much time I have left with my life, and taught me to live it while it lasts and for that I am in you dept." You stopped hugging him and he told you to not tell anyone that he hugged you because it would show that he was weak. You agreed and walked off with a huge smile on your face. You walked down the stairs to the main hall and you nearly had a heart attack, because you did not expect to see what was in front of you.... it was Menez, f/n's fucking boyfriend.


well did you like it? haha I don't exactly know how to carry this on but I will try for my lovely readers hehehe see ya.

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