Black dream

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Darkness. That's all you saw. No light and no sound. Where am I? You thought. You could feel that your hands were heavy and you couldn't move your legs. You looked down at them and found they had rose thorns rapped around them. It was quite painful even for you. The more that you struggled the more they tightened around you body.

You tried to think of a way out of this mess, but the only thing that was free was your tail. You wrapped your tail around one of the stems and tried to snap it half.

SNAP! it worked! The stem flinched back and you could feel the restraint slowly become looser. You snapped another and another, until you could move your body and wiggle free. Yes. Im free. You looked around, but you couldn't see anything because it was just black. You thought you could see something, so you walked over and saw what seemed to be a black rose on the floor. You felt compelled to pick it up, and no sooner than you did, you smelt a familiar aroma...... earl grey?

You followed the sweet smell until you found an armchair with a very happy Ciel in sitting on it. He saw you and stood up. You stared at him in glee and ran towards him. You hugged him close and he hugged you back. "Ciel... I've missed you so much." You leaned back and cupped his face. He hugged you again. "I've missed you too moth-......" You pulled away and stared at Ciel. He stared back at you and turned away. "I- I didn't mean t-" You started, but Ciel hugged you again before you could finish. "Don't be foolish. It was me who said it.....I think you just remind me so much of her that I said it." Your shocked expression turned into a warm smile and you hugged Ciel back. "Thank you. You mean so much to me, Ciel."

You stood up and Ciel vanished. You were still wearing your smile and you looked around. Still nothing, just black. You gripped the black rose tightly in your hand and started to walk. You didn't know where you was going, but you had to move.

A little while later, you heard a sound...My Lady? My Lady was one of Sebastian's many cats. She had silky black fur and the most delicate paws. She had bright green eyes and an elegant long tail, similar to your own. You smiled. "At least you're here." You said, as she gracefully walked over to you. You sat down and petted her in your lap. You thought about the time you found Sebastian with My Lady and how he looked at her with so much love and adore. Cats were the main reason that Sebastian loved being on earth and another reason that you loved him.

Click......Click.....Click.....Click...... Foot steps? "Well well, it looks like I have found another beauty~"

That voice.

You then felt two gloved hands touch your skin.

That touch.

You stood up slowly and put My Lady down. Your tail swayed from side to side. A voice whispered in your ear. "Turn around~" You did what it said, or rather he said, because that voice and touch came from none other than Claude....... just kidding , it was you're sexy, raven, demon butler......Sebastian.  You let a tear slip down your face, as Sebastian wiped it away with his thumb. "I've found you....Raven!" Sebastian smiled and said "Yes, but you must leave this place. Its time for you to go, but before you do. I have I gift for you." Sebastian lent down and kissed you softly on the lips. "Where am I going?" You asked. Sebastian just smiled and disappeared.

Your head grew heavy and before you knew it, the rose thorns were back. You collapsed and they scooped up your body. The last thing you saw.......was darkness.

A gift from a raven(Sebastian x reader modern)Where stories live. Discover now