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It was just another Miserable Monday. I have always hated Mondays ever since I started school. Everyone else in my class hates Mondays as well, no one can see why ANYONE would like Mondays, apart from the teachers of course. The teachers in our school have nothing better to do then to teach us about something that we will not use later in life. You can tell that just by looking at them. The only thing I like about Mondays is that I see all off my friends again after the weekend. We all have so much fun, I cannot believe that one day we will be separated. I cannot imagine my life without Suzii, Flower, Lottie, Amelia, Abigail, Louisa and Lucy. They are all so kind, and they are always there for me.

'Are you awake Rosa?' that's my mum, shouting from the kitchen 'Yes mum, I'm up. I'll be down in a minute' I shout as I study myself in the mirror. I do wish I looked like Louisa does, she is so mature and beautiful, I just look like a slightly over weight, stroppy ten year old boy. A lot of people have mistaken me for a boy saying things like 'Are you alright there lad?' and 'How is your son today?'. I have sort of grown used to it and I'm not that bothered anymore, but I have started to believe that I AM a boy, if everyone says so then it must be true. 'I'm making toast and jam, your favourite, to start you off on a fun week of school!' Says mum sarcastically from the kitchen as I am rolling up my skirt and sucking my tummy in, so it makes me look less fat. 'Thanks mum.' I say as I comb my very short, brown hair (which does not take very long by the way). All of my friends have reasonably long hair, they can't understand why I want it short, but it doesn't grow very long in the first place, and when it does Mum insists I get it trimmed.

After a lovely breakfast of toast and jam I realise I really should be going on a diet, if I need to get thinner. Never mind, I will start at lunch. I must start today. I have to walk to school every day, which is really embarrassing because there are groups of teenagers that hang around where I have to walk to get to school. What makes it worse is that I go to a posh school, they make fun of me just because I go to that school, as well as my very short, boy-like hair. I have learnt to take no notice, but their words still hurt. I never tell Mum about it though, she worries too much.

As I am walking to school I spot Flower up ahead, I cross the road, making sure that I don't look like a blind chicken crossing a motorway. 'Flower!' I shout 'Flower!' she appears to either be ignoring me, or she just can't hear me, so I run faster and shout louder 'FLOWER!' that seemed to get her attention, and some unwanted attention as well...'Your mad, boy, there's no flowers round 'ere!' oh dear, that was Tommy Larkins (or the Crasher as he is known to his friends) he is the most ferocious and tall teenager you will ever meet, and believe me, I am scared of him. 'There's no Flowers 'ere!' echoed his posy of around 7 other teenage boys, I'm scared of them as well. 'And anyway, why are you off to a girls' school little man? Are you a spy or something?' The Crasher laughed, and of course his posy laughed to. I knew better than to confront them so I ran over to Flower, who is also looking very scared. Flower is a lovely, funny girl and I have known her ever since I was 5. 'Don't listen to those bullies Rosa' she whispered into my left ear 'Their just trying to get a reaction, don't give them one. Their so mean calling you a boy. You don't look anything like a boy!' I was so grateful for that advice 'Thanks Flower.' I whispered back. Before we were out of their sight the Crasher decided to anger us even more 'Hey, Flower, who's your boyfriend?' He shouted, and his hole posy started to cackle with laughter. Me and Flower ran most of the way to school, and we didn't look back, not once.

We turned up to school 15 minutes early, which is a new record. Most of my friends arrive really early, me and Flower are always behind in the latest gossip. 'Rosa, Flower hi!' that is Suzii, me and Suzii always have a great time together, we always seem to sit next to each other in every lesson! 'Hi! Welcome back to a new week of school!' that is Lucy imitating Mr Coroal (he is the deputy head who always, without a fail, gives an hour long speech, on a Monday ,about the fun week of school ahead for us. It is so boring, most of us just start chatting instead of listening to him. (The only problem with that is we sometimes get caught for doing so, never mind) 'Lucy, that's such a good impression of Mr Coroal, I wish I could be as good as you at imitating, whoever I do an impression of I always still sound like myself.' that is Amelia, she is really good at singing, she knows all of the latest songs when they are released, she is very trendy and she always wears jewellery to school even though we are not allowed, I respected her for that.

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