Pigeons and carrots

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**Rosa's POV**

'Would you like a bag?' the lady behind the till asked Suzii, she was buying 2 bags of carrots for us to eat, if you haven't guessed already it is because Louis loves them , anyway I haven't bought anything yet. 'Come on, let's go!' Suzii laughed, I turned around to find my day dreaming was holding up the queue. 'Sorry!' I exclaimed nervously to the annoyed man behind us. He must of been around 45.

We sat on a bench in the middle of a fairly busy street, many people stared at us. We must of looked pretty weird, two girls, who should be at school eating carrots in the middle of town. But me and Suzii didn't care. 'Yum!' she giggled as she took another carrot from the bag. I was still nibbling on my 3rd, while Suzii was probably on her 7th. Well at least we are eating healthily I suppose. 'Look, I see a Kevin...' Suzii whispered. 'What?' I say before I had time to think. Then it hit me. 'What? I said I saw a Kevin silly, over there!' she grinned as she pointed to a pigeon. 'I see it!' I laughed. 'Do you want to chase it?' she asked me, I really didn't feel like chasing a pigeon but hay, you only live once. 'CHARGE!' we both screamed in unison, and as we did so we startled an old lady who was standing nearby. We jumped off the bench, I dropped my half chewed carrot and we ran at the poor defenseless bird. It must of been terrified.

We chased the Kevin for more than 15 minutes, then we collapsed on the ground. 'LOL!' Suzii shouted. She was amused easily, especially when it came to Kevin's. After that we decided to go clothes shopping. I look rubbish in anything I where, so this will be interesting. NOT. More like embarrassing.

'Can I help you' a scary shop assistant snarled. I hated these people, they always asked you the same questions. They have no life in their voice. They would have more personality if they where a robot. 'No, thanks we're just looking...' I mumble as I pick up a pair of jeans. 'I see you like the denim range, we have a sale on at the moment. 50% off all jeans and trousers!' she pathetically smiled. I forced a smile back. 'Really, i'm just looking..' I groan sounding annoyed. 'Are you looking for a particular colour or size?' she asked me. Why won't she just shut up? I don't want to buy a pair of jeans. 'Ummm... no....' I trail off 'What size are you?' she asks promtly. 'Isn't that a bit personal?' I ask her. She wasn't offended in anyway. 'No, how old are you? You look around 11....' she says as she studies me. 'I'm 13 actually.' I state angrily. 'Oh, so you should be around a size 10, or 8 maybe?' she guesses. Why won't she shut up? I am a size 12. I must be fat if I should be a size 10 or 8. 'I am a size 12 actually, are you calling me fat?' I blurt out before I think. 'I'm sorry, you're not fat at all! You are perfect. I was just suggesting...' she stutters 'Maybe you shouldn't suggest anything?' I ask angrily 'Well, it is my job to assist customers and sell clothes dear. I am sorry if I offended you. Maybe if you shopped in a shop for your age group..' she blabbers on 'Well, me and my friend here will leave this store. And I will never shop here again. You have annoyed and insulted me. You have no idea what I have been through, infact you know nothing about me...' I shout at her, regretting nothing. Then I grabbed Suzii's hand and we left.

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