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1 year later..........

Life was, well life. It had been a whole year since I had dumped Alex. Yes, I had dumped Alex. After what he put me through, I thought that was fine. But he kept on saying that he didn't send that photo. I don't believe him. Stupid liar......I haven't seen him in 7 months.....Just as well. He recovered really well from the gun shoot.  I was so glad to hear that he was fine.....but now I don't care.

Unfortunately our forms have changed, I am no longer with all of my friends. I'm only with Flower and Lottie. Of course I still see the others.......but not as much. The only time we can really talk is in maths and on Facebook. I haven't made many friends in my new form, only Naria and Ginny. Everyone else still thinks I'm mad because of what I said on the roof......Meh.....

I haven't herd much about Robert, but the judge vowed in my favour, so Robert is not dealing drugs anymore. He only has 2 years in there though. It should be life for the trouble he caused me and mum. Oh, and Alex.

You know that competition I entered? Yeah the dress one. No, it's not a fairy-tale. I didn't win. Some 18 year old won with an amazing dress. It blew my breath away, but I wanted to win. But on the bright side they sent me a letter:

Dear Rosa,

We really loved your original dress design. You were in the last 10! The drawing and colouring was really exceptional. You would make a great dress designer one day. Don't give up, keep designing!

It was a lovely letter, really it was. But I didn't win. But I will keep designing, until I win.

Mum is still working in the café, coming back everyday tired and bored. But she doesn't want me to notice. She always hides her damaged hands from all the washing up. But that just makes me notice them even more. I still judge myself and how I look, I am beginning to look almost normal. But not normal. I have a horrible face, horrible legs, horrible arms....Heck! Horrible everything.....Everything about me is horrible. Everything about me, my life. Everything!

Every now and then I think about when I was young. When I was free and creative. When I could dream and imagine whatever I wanted. When I didn't care what I looked like or what clothes I wore. Unlike now, when everything about my life has to be planned and boring. I wish I could be young again, free to do whatever I want. Unfortunately that could never happen, unless someone invents a time machine. That would be awesome, if anyone is out there who is making a time machine, please hurry up and make it soon! Then come and pick me up. Sorry.....what am I saying? Of course no-one is inventing a time machine, on this planet anyway. At this time........

Sorry I should stop going on about the past, and the future for that matter....I should focus somewhere in-between. Now. I remember when dad told me this:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery.

But today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.

It was a beautiful saying. And I shall take it with me to the grave. again about the past and future. So right now I am relaxing in my room, it is the summer hols. I thought they would never come, but they did of course. And now I want nothing more for them to last forever.

I decide to go out to the park. 'Bye mum!' I smile as I pick up my rain coat. God I hate the great British summer time......

I sit down on one of the swings, the rain is now insanely heavy, but I don't care. No-one is around, but still I suck my stomach in, hoping to look thinner. After a while of doing nothing, I jump off the swinging swing, I land on my feet, but in a huge muddy puddle. I feel my feet slip from underneath me and I fell on my face. Pain rushed through my nose and cheeks. I hear footsteps running towards me. I lift my head up to see a man standing with a hand stretched out. 'Are you alright? You took quite a tumble!' he smiled as I took his hand and he helped me up. 'Thanks.....' I smile weakly as I brush myself off in embarrassment. I look at his face, I thought I recognised him. No I didn't. Yes I did. 'Are you ok.....' he asked as I stared at his face. 'Oh...ummm...sorry. I thought I recognised you...' I mumbled as I stared at my feet. 'Oh, aren't you that girl.........Rose..... or Rachael?' he puzzled 'No, ummmm....Rosa.' I smiled 'Oh yes, my son Robert was ummmm...' he mumbled 'Yeah.....I remember Alex....' I smiled as the rain cleared up. ''re his dad? Oh yes I remember you. How are you, oh.....and Alex?' I ask nervously.

'Ummm.......Fine. Alex is recovering really well, good as new. I'm fine.....Alex still thinks about you a lot......' he mumbles, this was quite an awkward conversation. ' do I......' I say shyly as I remember him. 'Oh, he said if I bumped into you, he wanted you to have this. I'll be on my way!' he said as he handed me a small envelope. 'Bye!' I called as he jogged off into the distance. I studied the small parcel on the way home. It looked like there was also a small object in it as well. I thought that mum would find out if I opened it at home. So I found a bench and sat down. I waited a few minutes before tension overpowered me, and I opened the envelope carefully. A small parcel fell out and onto my lap. It was delicately wrapped in purple tissue paper. I took the card out, it had a beautiful butterfly on the front. I opened it.

Dear Rosa,

I know you will never forgive me, or ever want to talk to me again. And I understand. Well, not really, but I know what you must be feeling. I know you will not believe me, but I didn't send that photo. It's been a  long time since we've seen each other. Are you ok? I'm fine......sort of. Anyway, I wanted you to have this. It was my mothers, and she gave it to me when she left, along with some other stuff.....I wanted you to have it because, well...I love you. And I don't care what you think about me, if you hate me. All I want you to know is I love you, and I always will, with all my heart. And if this is the last time we kind of talk....then fine. But I would like to meet you some when. If you would like to come to the park on the 24th July 12:30 ish. Have a good time until then.....

Alex    xxxxxx

I read it again and again until I opened the parcel, at first I couldn't believe it, then I realised that it was. It was a beautiful flower necklace, encrusted with many various stones. It was made of sterling was beautiful....

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