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'You do realise Rosa that will have to talk to your mum sometime.' Suzii moans as we climb the steep hill to my house, she is carrying mountains of shopping bags (most of them filled with either carrots, or One Direction merchandise. Suzii bought 10 posters of Louis for her wall, personally I am freaked out by any type of poster, the un-blinking eyes are what do it) 'I know.....' I moan as well, I only have a few bags with some make-up and jewellery. We approach the top of the hill, I can see my house. I begin to panic. I get out my phone and read the text again:

Hi Rosa, sorry about falling out with you earlier. I will come back at around 7:00AM ish, See you then, then we will talk. We both need to apologise. If you don't then I will have to find a suitable punishment.

From, Mum

I knew that she was "sorry" but was she really, I still hated her a bit for leaving me. The words Suitable punishment ring through my head. What would she do? She didn't mean it.....right? 'Rosa, we're here, do you want me to go now or.....' Suzii suggests ' go round the back and hide behind the shed until I come and get you ok?' I say nervously, I could feel that Suzii sensed the fear in my voice. She did what I said, she left me by the door. Alone. I pushed the door open expecting to see an angry mum in front of me, fortunately she was not here. I go out the front gate to get Suzii, I took her inside and she collected her clothes and bags. 'Bye!' Suzii giggled. 'See you on Monday!' she called as I slammed the door shut.

'Hello?' I heard a woman croak from upstairs she sounded nervous and scared 'Hello? It's me Rosa...'I try to shout without much success. I heard someone creaking down the stairs. Then I saw her face, she was a wreck. And I meant this in the best way possible. She looked terrible. I barely recognised her. 'Mum?' I questioned, then a man appeared behind her 'Who is THIS?!' the man snarled. He looked tired and drunk. He had shabby, wavy blonde hair. 'This Rosa is Robert. Robert this is Rosa, my daughter!' Mum said excitedly as she pointed to each of us in turn. From the moment I saw him I knew that something wasn't quite right with him. He looked familiar, although I have never seen him before. 'Hello Rosa!' he grinned, relaxing. 'I've heard so much about you....' he smiled, I don't like his smile. It looks, fake almost..... 'What, like I'm a brat and I do not do as I am told, and I look like a boy!' I scream, I don't know why. I didn't want to say those things. But I did anyway. 'Rosa!' mum yelled in shock. 'Mum, it's true though, you do think those things!' I yell, losing my patience. I stare at Robert's face one more time, then it clicked. I couldn't believe myself at first, I checked again and again. It was him. The drug dealer from the news. It was Robert.

'Mum...' I stutter 'What is it Rosa, can't you see that we are talking....' mum says, but she didn't look at me, she only looked at Robert. I felt left out. 'But mum, Robert, he's the drug dealer off the news!' I whisper in her ear, Robert gives me a suspicious glance, but he shrugs it off. 'Rosa, stop being so annoying, Robert IS NOT A DRUG DEALER. He is a good man. Stop making up silly stories!' mum half whispers, half snares into my ear. I know that I am not lying. I get my phone out from my pocket and I search for the news. I found it. 'Mum, here he is. Here is "Robert" if that even is his real name. Mu stared at the picture on my phone. 'Don't be silly, you just found a picture of Robert on the internet. Rosa, if you do not behave I WILL.' mum starts to whisper, and then she shouts out loud. 'What's going on loves, something wrong?' Robert buts in. 'No, actually SOMEONE is wrong, go to bed Rosa, I don't want to see you again until you stop lying.' mum threatens. I was not lying. She was. I ran up the stairs, then I slammed my door. I wanted mum to realise how upset I was. It was not dark outside yet. But I collapsed on my bed, and I tried to get to sleep. I didn't care that I was still in my normal clothes, and I didn't care about eating although my stomach is rumbling.

'Disappointment, stupid, ugly, fat, annoying, wrong, thick, liar, dead, boy, alone, lad...' all these horrible words ring around my head. A mirror pops up from nowhere 'Fat...' it mumbles, then suddenly my mirror image gains a few extra stone, I look like a real fatty. I look at myself, I'm normal. 'Thin...' my mirror image shrinks to a tiny size, I check myself. The mirror is playing tricks on me. I run away, to escape the mirror. I fall into a normal, neat family house, there are flowers decorating every un-used space. 'How are you supposed to live a normal life?' a voice echoes. I then tumble out of that house, and into a pool 'When inside you're secretly drowning...' and as the voice echoes drowning I begin to sink, under and under. My insides are hurting and I can't breathe. I feel my head getting lighter, then the pool evaporates, and the sides of the pool stretch up into the sky. ''re trapped in a hole of no return..' it echoes again. The walls keep on growing, how am I supposed to get out? I am then catapulted into a school playground. There is a crowd of people around me, I begin to get scared. '......with many enemies, and not many friends...' as soon as the voice finishes, everyone bursts into a fit of laughter, they are all pointing at me, I begin to cry. I hated this, I hated everyone. especially me.

I fly into my house 'Your mum is trying to mend the hole....' the voice echoes around the empty building, I get transported into a car. Our old car. '.....that the car crash left in her heart...' the voice was scaring me, it knew so much about me, and it didn't like me. '...but doing so she lost her sense.' I agreed with the last statement, mum was losing a bit of her sense, a mean going out with Robert, really. She didn't need to go out with anyone, we were fine by ourselves. Just me and mum.

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