Chapter one

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"M- mother" a weak voice sounded in the cold air.  "Mother. Where are you?" Mistkit stumbled past unfamiliar trees and bushes, her paws unsteady as her eyes closed, head bowed in tiredness.
A gentle breeze rustled the star lit tree tops, the leaves shook to a distant tune. The tiny silver tabby kit crouched down, her body limp and her breathing shallow. Was she dying? Was she already in star clan?
The bushes rustled as another cat stepped out, his flowing pelt alight with stars and silver beams. He stood in the clearing, gazing down at mistkit's barely alive body.
"I- I'm ready to walk with s-star clan" mistkit murmured, looking up at the star clan warrior, her strength fading.
Far far away, she could hear her name being yowled over and over.
"Mistkit! Mistkit!" Her mother cried, staring at the small scrap of tabby fur.
"It is not your time yet" the starry warrior told her, his gaze gentle and  somewhat strengthening. He flicked his tail, touching her ears in a comforting gesture.
"I'm dying. I can't breathe" mistkit felt her paws go limp as her breathing faded away. Tears glistened in her pale blue eyes, shimmering like the stars.
"No" mewed the Tom firmly. "You will not die, not for a long time".
Lowering his head, the starry warrior bent down to touch noses with her.
Feeling a strange tingling sensation, mistkit realised that her strength was coming back. She could feel her paws again and her breathing was growing stronger.
"How- how is this happening?" Mistkit rose to her paws shakily, gasping as she stood up.
"Star clan warriors can keep cats from death at times. And you have special skills that must serve your clan well" Replied the starry cat, flicking his whiskers with something approaching respect.
"So... So will I help my family somehow?" Mistkit looked at her paws, feeling hopelessness pierce her heart. "I hardly survived birth... So... So how will I help my clan?"
The star clan warrior smiled in response. "Strength is not everything"
When all hope is lost, covered by rogues claws, do not give up and die. Find a new home and serve them there as you will. Cat with power to talk in tongues, go towards your destiny.
Those words pierced into mistkit's mind, over and over like her mothers tongue rasping over her as star clan faded into the night.

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