Chapter six

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"I'm really sorry mother" mewed mistkit looking down at her paws miserably. "It's just that camp gets so boring".
Rose pelt lashed her tail In anger, as she glared at her kit. "Boring?" She hissed. "Did you think that it was less boring to get killed outside of camp?"
Mistkit glanced wretchedly at rose pelt. "We didn't think" she mewed, fearful at seeing her mother so angry.
"That is obvious" agreed her mother, suddenly calming down. Her fur lay flat as she bent down to lick her kit lovingly.
"You had no idea how scared I was" she whispered between licks. Her eyes were full of apprehension. "Please don't ever stray from camp again".
Mistkit licked her mother back, purring as she felt her mothers fear die away.
"I won't" she promised.
"Good" mewed rose pelt. "Know you have to stay by me. I can't let you out of my sight for some time"
Mistkit nodded her head as her mother bent down to lick her.
"I love you mother"

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