Chapter ten

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Mistkit was wondering around the forest slightly aimlessly. Her eyes were dull with sadness as she gave her last respects to her deceased mother and father by sharing tongues with them one last time. As a small gesture of love she placed some lavender on their bodies to hide the scent of death.
Startled by a strange presence behind her she whisked round suddenly, fur bristling to expect a murderous rogue.
"Mistkit. I am so sorry for your losses" instead a soft sympathetic voice answered her actions and she lay her fur flat in relief.
"It's you... My mothers father" her voice changed in anger. "Did you watch all this... The suffering and the death?" Rage glinted in her eyes as she hissed. "I thought star clan could save cats from death"
"Mistkit! Calm down" advised the warrior, lashing his tail.
Mistkit turned upon him, fury and grief piercing her eyes like lightning. "Calm down? Calm down?!  How can I calm down when my whole family is dead... Everyone I knew dead... Gone"
Her head turned away in sadness. "I may as well be dead... At least I would be with my family in starclan" she sighed, looking up at the sky.
Now it was the Warriors turn to use anger. His voice was hard as he replied. "Starclan cannot change everything" he hissed, his eyes locking into mistkits. "What good will come if you die? Your parents want you to live your destiny... A great one as it is"
In reply Mistkit bowed her head, her tail lashing. "How can a kit with no family have a great destiny?"
The starclan warrior bent down to touch noses with her, all anger faded away. "All cats live their lives as a destiny. Yours is greater than some... More thrilling yes... More dangerous yes" he comforted her with a lick around the ears. "Use your powers to survive as you find your new home... But beware the night flyers... The black ones that need food and will do anything for it. The younger generation shall speak over the old."
He began to fade away, back into the night he had come from.
"Wait! Don't go... What do you mean by night flyers?" Mistkit yowled into the air, but he had gone.

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