Chapter seven

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Mistkit tossed around in her sleep, for she was in a nightmare.
She could hear yowling, and shapes flew by her pursued by claws and teeth. Her heart filled with terror as bodies fell to the floor, all with gaping wounds and hideous injuries. A piercing cry made her fur tingle with terror and her feet were awash with sticky Crimson.
" Mistkit". Suddenly she felt someone Shaking her. Opening her eyes swiftly, she realised that there was no darkness, no battle or blood. She could only see the soft, comforting walls of the nursery and her mother laying beside her, licking her ears comfortingly. "Mistkit, it's alright now" mewed rose pelt soothingly, her purr rumbling from her chest.
Mistkit leapt back from her mother, such grief piercing her blue eyes. She almost wailed her troubles to her rosepelt. "It isn't all fine!  You have no idea what I've been through, what I've seen. Our clan is going to be destroyed by rogues... Soon. And star clan said that there is nothing they can do!"
She gazed up at rosepelt, her eyes dull with defeat. "Don't you understand now. There is nothing that we can do"
She looked away.

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