Chapter fourteen

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Mistkit sat down, wrapping her tail around her paws. Now that all was silent, she had never paid attention to her paws and only just realised that one paw was black whereas the others were pure white.
She looked up with a sigh. It was lonely without sal... Peaceful yet she missed him like a queen missed her kits. We will meet again she vowed solemnly.

Suddenly she leapt back, startled as a rustle shook the bushes. She could make out the rough shape of cats and backed away uncertainty.
One cat stepped out, his fur was a brown tabby and his eyes were narrowed, his fur bristling.
"You are trespassing on pine clan's territory!" He snarled, glaring down at mist kit's trembling body.
Quivering in terror, she forced her self to reply, afraid to look at the clan cats, she stared at her paws. "I- I'm Mist kit. My f- family were killed by r- rogues" she pressed herself down into a crouch, staring up at the dominant cat.
Another clan cat stepped forwards. Her eyes were soft and gentle as she mewed reproachfully to the bigger Tom. "Oak pelt. Don't be so harsh on her... Can't you see she means no harm. And her families been killed poor thing!"
"I need to join your clan. Star clan told me to" mist kit mewed quietly.
Oak pelt stared at her. "Are you a medicine cat or apprentice?" He asked, looking intensively at her. Something like interest and wonder flashed in his eyes.
"No" mist kit admitted. "But my mother trained me in the art of healing and I've had dreams from star clan before" she explained awkwardly.
"Please give us some examples" suggested the kind she- cat, sitting down to wash her ears.
Mist kit took a breath before she spoke.
"I remember when I was being born I think. I found myself in a bright starry place... The winds were shaking the tree tops and the grass shone with silver. I was weak... P- probably dying" she took a breath before continuing. "A starclan warrior came to me... And made me stronger so that I lived. Then it all faded away... But I knew that I had to serve a clan"
All the cats were staring at her... Their eyes fixed upon her pelt which was burning in embarrassment. She went on, relating her encounters with warrior ancestors.
"Once me and... My dearest friend..." She closed her eyes. "My dearest friend owl kit were lost in the forest near a thunder path. A star clan cat showed us the way back... He said- that great trouble was coming... Rogues... And nothing could stop it from coming true"
She found herself shuddering again. "I had dreams... Nightmares about the battle taking place... Blood and fur and bodies littered on the ground like stained autumn leaves. But the real thing was so much worse" she mewed bitterly, her whiskers quivering with grief.
"I need to join your clan to fulfil my destiny" she mewed softly.

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