Chapter nine

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Mist kit woke to hear yowling outside. Her pelt stood on end in shock as she grew rigid with fright, her heart hammering.
Taking deep breaths, she cautiously padded to the entrance of the nursery and peered through the overhanging ivy.
She froze at the sight that met her like a cascade of numbing water.
Rogues... Rogues! It was happening... It was true!
Mist kit felt her paws give way under her and she stumbled, weak with the knowledge that she had foreseen it, foreseen the blood! The cries! The violence!
Mother! Father!... Owl paw! She silently yowled in an agony of mind. Her paws were stuck to the ground, she could not run to help her family... She was too terrified... Too shocked by the blood, the fur and the violence that was piercing the night air like the merciless talons of a hawk piercing a defenceless kit.
Mistkit could only watch as shapes fell to the ground, gushing blood from hideous wounds. She stood there feeling totally helpless as her heart broke for all the cats she knew who had been taken down by the rogues. 
Then she froze as a terrifying sound broke the air... Terrifying to her. Back off! You merciless pieces of rotten crow food!  It was her mother as she fought the rogues in vain.
Searching with her eyes desperately for her mother, Mistkit stared in grief at the valiant she- cat defending her home clan like the true warrior that she was.
She turned away and horror gripped her as her mother fell like a rag to the ground, clawed by a black rogues claws. Closing her eyes tight as wave after chilling wave of agony pierced her heart as she heard her mothers last cry to her. Don't give up Mistkit! Don't ever give up!  She bowed her head and tears fell down her cheeks.

It was over. The rogues had left and Mistkit was the only survivor of what had been her home.
With her eyes half shut in pain, the silver tabby kit walked past bodies and blood, her mind numbed by the chilling fact that she was alone. No more training with her mother... No more playing with owl paw. How young he was to die... What did he ever do to deserve such a death. How eager he was to train... What a good warrior he could be  ... If only he had lived.
And rosepelt... My mother... Why! Why! Why!  She yowled her agony to star clan.
"Why have you done this to us!?" 
A weakening voice aroused her from her mourning.
"Father" whispered Mistkit, raising her head in hope. "Father, is it really you"
She lay down next to the matted clump of bloodied fur... The only family still left with life in his body.
"Mistkit" rasped her father, his eyes full of tears. "Please forgive me for what I have done to you..."
Mistkit pressed her nose into her father's fur as a lump rose in her throat. She stifled her tears as her father continued.
"Your mother had kits... Two before she had you and the others. We... We named them prickkit and the youngest... We n- we named small kit"
Talon claw lifted his head to stare into mistkits eyes. "Small kit was so like you.. So quiet... So small but so clever and wise. She learnt herbs with your mother too" he bowed his head as sadness pierced his eyes.  "But she died of green cough... She was to weak... Too small at birth to fight it. I was grief stricken... Then some moons after you... You were born... You nearly died at childbirth and I was terrified that you would die too... Like small kit, so... So, in desperation I urged you to fight... I became uncontrollable... And my mind was twisted... By the fear and the need to make you fight and grow stronger. Please- p- please understand. I never really knew I was hurting you. Please forgive me"
Mistkit licked her father's ear, finally understanding  the hidden cause of violence in her father's heart.
Her heart twisted in pain and grief as her father began to shudder, his life ebbing away like water ebbing through stones.
"Father..." Choked Mistkit, burying her nose into his fur.
"Oh father. There is nothing to forgive. I understand why you did it and it was not your fault. Please don't leave me!"
Finding his last strength talon claw raised his head to feebly lick Mistkit around the ears. "I love you mistkit" he rasped as his breathing became harder and more forced.
Laying her head on her father's limp paw, she managed to stutter a tearful whisper. "I love you too"
He shuddered once then stopped breathing.
No more family... No more mother... No more father! They are all gone!
Mistkit raised her head to the sky and really yowled out her terrible grief to starclan.
"Why have you let this happen!"

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