Chapter thirteen

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"So you any ideas where new clan be?" Asked sal who was grooming his whiskers.
Mist kit sighed and replied wearily. "I told you... I do not know". She sat down, her eyes dull with a wistful longing that she was not sure why she felt it. "It could be a lifetime away... What if I never find it" she shivered, her head bowed. What if I never serve a clan as star clan wanted me to? The thought struck her like icy waves.
"Is plenty clans in forest I know this" announced the mouse, grooming his face delicately. "Is one clan that ate my family".
Mist kit jerked her head up, shocked. "Oh!... Sal... I'm so sorry" she gasped, gazing down at the mouse in grief. A lump rose in her throat.
Sal shrugged "is sad at first but is way of the forest. Sal gets over it" his eyes had a faraway look though and mist kit could feel sadness welling from her friend like blazing fire. She stared at her paws, shocked that a tiny creature could feel so much.
Sal narrowed his black eyes and scurried on, beckoning the grey cat to follow him closely.
Together they plodded through the thick undergrowth, fur catching on burrs and brambles. How do cats hunt here? Thought Mist kit, taking in the harsh surroundings.
Suddenly sal jerked to a halt, whiskers and nose twitching as he sat upright. "This clan area. I leave before cats come to hunt. I go now! I go now!" He ran to the edge of the woods and turned back. mist kit was alarmed to see that he was looking incredibly miserable. "We meet again one day... Was good, happy to walk with you. Our paths shall be together again" with those departing words, he whisked round and scurried away.
"Star clan light your path sal... My friend" whispered mist kit .

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