Chapter two

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Mistkit ducked her head, her eyes wide with fear as mightkit lashed out at her, claws unsheathed.
"Fight! You measly rabbit. Can't you fight... Or are you too weak?" He taunted as the other siblings gathered round to watch the scene.
Noticing the crowd, mightkit grinned and leapt at mistkit, pinning her to the ground, before she could dodge away. Mistkit felt panic well in her belly, knowing how her sibling could get. Her eyes silently pleaded leave me alone.
The others started to cheer mightkit on as he bit down hard on his younger sisters ear.
"That will teach you to be a scaredy mouse" he crowed as mistkit gasped in pain, her ear bleeding from the wound.
Suddenly everyone went silent as a respectful tone entered the fading excitement and cruelty that had reigned before.
"What is this?" Declared talonclaw, the father of mistkit and the others. His piercing eyes took in the situation at a glance.
"Ah" he sighed softly, his eyes cold to the root. "Is this mistkit? The kit who can't fight?" He swiped his tongue over his teeth, smiling wickedly.
"Any spawn of mine will learn to fight... Like this!" He lashed out, catching mistkit and sending her flying. He loomed over the small kit, his paws trembling as his mind became uncontrollable. "Get up!" He snarled.
Opening her eyes, mistkit managed to stutter "l- leave me alone". Her body aching with pain, her eyes closed again, longing for blackness.
Talonclaw's eyes flashed. A strong paw began to bear down on mistkit's hind leg, oblivious to her cries of agony.
"No one will tell me what to do" hissed talonclaw, grinning through the sound of breaking bones.
Mistkit's eyes flared open as her jaws parted in a agonised wail as her leg fell, limp and useless to the ground.
"Come" ordered talonclaw, staring strangely at mistkit's broken body. " we must go".
He padded away, tail high with the others following, some snickering about mistkit.
They left mistkit to herself, a small kit, alone in her pain and misery. She curled up and let herself drown in the overwhelming darkness that overcame her.
As she lost her senses to the enveloping pain, she could hear a voice, clear as daylight whispering...
"My poor kit".
Mistkit felt herself being lifted and carefully carried back to the nursery.
Strength is not all, as you will find yourself soon. Kit from the mists, who can talk in tongues.
The wind seemed to whisper those words, as they were carried by the air.

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