Chapter sixteen

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a clan meeting!" spruce stars voice rang through the camp, bringing most cats to hear with curiosity what he was about to say.
Many glances were cast at mist kit before order was achieved. She felt her silver pelt scorch in apprehension.
Spruce star opened his jaws to speak. His words rang in the ears of every cat.
"It is common news that we have a newcomer! A newcomer with a important past, present and future. Our own medicine cat and I knew that a cat with the name 'mist' would enter our clan. Her skills of herbs and powers to talk in tongues are legendary within star clan. I would like to declare that from now on this special cat will be known as mistpaw. She will train as a medicine cat apprentice to quince claw"
As these words were said, mistpaw felt a soft tail touch her shoulder. She looked up into the face of many starclan warriors who all smiled at her. We are proud of you.
Then they faded away into the air and mistpaw found herself gazing at spruce star. Solemnly she stretched up to lick his shoulder respectively. "Serve your clan well" he whispered silently into her ear.
"Mistpaw!" "Mistpaw!" "Mistpaw!" The yowls rang across the clearing as numerous cats greeted their new clan mate warmly.
Mistpaw knew that part of her destiny had been fulfilled but the visions of black wings swept across her eyes, causing her to stumble as the day turned into night. A raucous calling filled her ears as she sank into darkness, wings beating her fur.
A gentle prod from quince claw woke her from her trance. The medicine cat flicked his tail towards a den, sheared into a rock cliff. Mistpaw knew this to be the healers domain.
"Starclan foretold me of your coming Mistpaw" mewed quince claw seriously, his intense gaze burning into mistpaws fur. She felt awkwardness prick in her paws. Was she really that important?

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