Chapter four

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It was afternoon, the sun shone, basking the new leaves in a golden light. The small clan was lazy, older cats preferring the opportunity of a doze in the spring heat.
"Catch me if you can!" Yelled owl kit,
Dodging around camp, his paws skidding on fallen pine needles.
"My mother said that we cannot be boisterous" mistkit mewed, slightly solemnly.
Casting a annoyed look at mistkit, owl kit sighed heavily. "Fine fine... What shall we do then?"  He rolled over, patting the air with his paws. He cast a sideways glance at mistkit. "Well?"
Her paws clawing at the ground, mistkit strove to think up something fun to do. She tilted her head as a thought struck her.
"You can pretend to be an injured warrior and I have to pretend treat you" she mewed, excitedly.
Owl kit rolled his eyes in impatience. "But we played that last time" he protested, digging his claws into the ground. "I want to do something exciting... Like go out of camp" he whispered, looking around to make sure they were remaining unheard.
Mistkit widened her eyes in disbelief. " but there are foxes out there, and rogues and monsters. And if we get caught we will be in such trouble!" She neaded the ground in uncertainty, her blue eyes lit with fear.
"Scaredy mouse!" Taunted owl kit, prancing around her. "What's the big deal, I mean, it's just a minute outside of the boring old camp"
Mistkit looked at the camp entrance, encouraged by owlkit.
"Do you want to be stuck in camp all day... Again?" He moaned. "Come on. Just for a bit!" 
Looking at him, mistkit gave in and together they silently padded to the entrance, loathe to make any noise.

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