Chapter twelve

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"This food is good" purred mistkit gratefully, tucking into a bunch of ripe blackberries that her mouse friend had found.
"Is good food yes I know. You strange but special cat, talk in mouse tongue. Feel it is right to help you. My name sal you know" replied the mouse.
Mistkit dipped her Head formally "thank you for helping me sal" she mewed gratefully, feeling her pelt scorch as she blushed in awkwardness.
The mouse perked his head. "Where you go now cat?"
Flicking her tail absently, mistkit gazed at the sun before answering "I have no family, they were killed. Starry cats told me to find a new clan. But I'm having trouble" she stared at her paws.
"I suspect rogues kill your clan yes? Is bad group... They kill many clan cats, not know why" informed sal, cleaning his ears before looking hard at mistkit. "Clans still live though in forest, they be bad to rogues so rogues angry and kill them" he said.
"That's some news sal" murmured mistkit, shuffling her paws. "It's up to me to find the clans and try to end this confusion and chaos"
Sal preened his fur Prissily "is good spirit you have... Parents be much proud yes?"
Mistkit gazed at the falling leaves. "I hope so sal... I hope so"

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