Chapter seventeen

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"Mist paw! Mist paw!' The silver tabby jerked awake as she heard quince claw call her name.
"What is it?" She mewed groggily, getting to sleep ridden footpads as her mentor panicked about. Mistpaws blue eyes turned serious as he turned to her, his voice frantic with worry.
'I don't know how this happened but spruce star has swallowed death berries" he clumsily knocked over a bundle of alder leaves in his distress as his tail lashed.
"What?" Mist paw was already reaching for yarrow and juniper berries as she heard her mentor speak. "Who would be so mouse brained to accidentally poison their leader... Unless it was meant to happen" she added darkly, rushing from the medicine den with quince paw at her tail.

As both healer cats entered the den, a relieved cry came from the corner.
'Oh starclan! I'm so glad your here' the deputy was scuffling his paws, scratching in agitation at the moss.
Mist paw crouched beside the leader who was chocking and writhing in agony on the ground. She hurriedly chewed up the yarrow, horribly aware that spruce stars breathing was becoming more ragged with every second that passed.
Her tail flicking in worry, mist paw gently prized open spruce stars jaws and placed the yarrow inside, soothing his throat to make him swallow it.
'He's in the paws of star clan now' mist paw mewed quietly, stepping back.
"You do realise that this is his last life?' The deputies tone sounded snappy but mist paw knew that he was only concerned about spruce star.
She nodded, her gaze resting upon the shivering form of the leader. "Hopefully that yarrow will make him vomit up the berries" quince claw explained to the agitated deputy.
Suddenly spruce star retched, his eyes flying open as he vomited up a mess of dark mushed- up berries. Still weak, the leader lay limp on his side, breathing heavily but not in pain. Both the medicine cats let out sighs of relief whilst the deputy turned his eyes skywards and murmured a prayer of thanks to star clan.
"Well... I suggest that spruce star gets some rest now" mewed mist paw seriously. "At dawn we will hear what happened and find out why he swallowed death berries. Perhaps he was forced" a dark tone crept into her voice as her eyes narrowed.
Quince claw nodded, relief evident in his eyes. "Yes... Just thank star clan that spruce star is still with us"
All three looked at the leader who was now curled up comfortably, his breathing steady as his flanks rose and fell in sleep.
Tinder heart, the deputy, mewed "it's great that we have two such skilled medicine cats. I understand now about what spruce star said at the ceremony" he turned his gaze to mistpaw. "You really are talented. Your in your element with herbs aren't you?"
The medicine cat apprentice nodded fervently "yes, there is nothing, absolutely nothing half so much worth as doing as simply saving the life of your fellow clan mates"
Quince claw ventured his opinion. "It's all very well to chat like moonstruck mice but perhaps we should let the leader rest in silence hmm?"
Mistpaw and tinder heart immediately looked apologetic.
"Your right" they agreed in unison. Mistpaw flicked her tail towards the exit. "Perhaps we should leave now?" She asked her mentor.
With a nod, quince claw led her back to the medicine cat den. Once there, he sat down and gazed warmly at his apprentice.
"I can't believe how amazing that was... You practically took over from me when I was in shock!" He mewed, meaning every word.
"Are you still in shock? I can give you thyme?" Teased mistpaw with a glimmer of humour in her blue eyes.
Quince claw shook his head in admiration. "You've only been here a couple of days and already you know so much. Who taught you?"
Mistpaw looked haunted for a heartbeat. "My mother did... Before she was killed. Then a star clan warrior taught me more herbs" her head bowed in grief. "All my family were killed by rogues"
Quince claw bowed his head too. "These rogues are causing too much trouble." He mewed with a slight hiss.
Mistpaw looked confused "what do you mean? Have they caused trouble here too?" She asked her mentor worriedly.
With a nod, quince claw explained everything. "Before you arrived one of our queens, rose heart was killed. She was attacked brutally for all the blood on her. Surprisingly... She was left in clear view. Must have been rogues" he lashed his tail furiously, eyes narrowing to blazing slits "then there was an attack to distract the Warriors and more able fighters..." The medicine cat paused, hissing with wrath. "Then whilst all were defending... The rogues sneaked in and killed our kits" he spat the last bit out vehemently.
Mistpaw was shaking at the cruelty of the rogues. "But why? Why are they doing this?" She asked, stressing over the question.
Quince claw shook his head dejectedly "no clan cat knows" he replied quietly "I can say that we have perhaps tried to hold them back so that they don't start hunting for our prey but... As far as I know we don't go as low as to start killing kits" his voice became low and dangerous at the end.
The silver apprentice looked out of the cave. "Perhaps the clans wronged them long ago... And now they are out... Killing for revenge"
Suddenly an unearthly screech sounded in the air, breaking the moon high silence.
"Rogues attack!"

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