Anywhere but here

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Everyone from Fairy Tail, and Sabertooth were all around a specific grave labeled:
Lucy Heartfilia
Rogue stared at it as Sting was crying with Lecter.
Rogue had cried with Frosche for two days straight.
Natsu, and Lisanna were cuddling as Natsu held the bitch... I mean Lisanna like he held Lucy in Phoenix Priestess.
Everyone else sobbed.
Rogue couldn't help but bring his mind to the day he lost her.
Minerva, is in a coma and hasn't woken up, from the trauma of falling after exhaustion.

Is this the end of the moment
Or just a beautiful unfolding

A tear slipped from Rogue's stare that was directly at the tombstone.
He couldn't believe she was gone.
"And those of you who considered her: Luce, Lucy, Blondie, Blonde Bimbo, Bunny girl, cosplay girl, or love rival... it means that her departure will be an impact on our lives but remember it's not goodbye," Master Makarov cried with snot hanging from his nose.

Of a love that will never be
Or maybe be

Everything that I never thought could happen
Or ever come to pass

The rain soaked the members of Fairy Tail, as their black clothes were wet.

And I wonder if maybe, maybe I could be
All you ever dreamed

Rogue remembered how Lucy was the one to bring him to Fairy Tail, she volunteered to let them to stay in her apartment, Lucy truly was a light.

'Cause you were beautiful inside
so lovely and I can't see why I'd do anything without you
You are

"Hello, uh... Sabertooth, "Lucy said a little nervous.
"Oh," she said thinking, "well you can stay at my place."

And when I'm not with you
I know that it's true
That I'd rather be anywhere but here without you

Anywhere but here~

Rogue laid Lucy's keys on top of the grave stone, they'd decided to give the keys to Yukino later. But after a few seconds they started to glow a bright orange.

Is this a natural feeling
Or is it just me bleeding

All my thoughts and dreams
In hope that you will be with me

Everyone stared in awe with their tear stained eyes, at the glowing light before them.
Especially as it took the shape of a giant man, or as Lucy would call him "Mustache Man".

Or is this a moment to remember
Or just a cold day in December

I wonder if maybe
Oh maybe I could be
All you ever dreamed

"I see that Lucy... Heartfilia passed," he said, "but since her and I are tight. I'll bring her back, to repay her for her deeds of being a celestial wizard." Everyone gasped, Rogue's heart did a double flip!

'Cause you're beautiful inside
So lovely and I can't see why
I'd do anything without you
You are

And when I'm not with you
I know it's true
That I'd rather be anywhere but here without you

The light of the celestial spirit king died down but was replaced by an even brighter light that Rogue knew was Lucy.
He charged in towards the light and disappeared as the two both walked out holding hands.

Anywhere but here~

And... you would have guessed what fairy tail did...

(Ok I hope you can guess the song! And guess what Fairy Tail did!! Please comment and vote!!
Also that wasn't the entire song so if your searching by the lyrics, I kinda cut it off a bit for the Rolu moment)

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