Helpless and Weak

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Rogue paced back and forth in the alley of Magnolia.
It was night with the moon above his head, the only light in sight.
"Th-they have her! I-I'll have to th-think this through," he mumbled like a crazy man under his breathe as his red eyes widened with every thought, but his eyes weren't the same, these have no pupil just empty space.
He was shaking uncontrollably.
"Take her when they look away," he mumbled staring at the moon that stood out and caused shadows.
His hands and feet fogged up black smoke.
Rogue Cheney slowly disappeared with a sickening expression that would make a baby cry.
'She's going to die,' Shadow thought.
'I'm so sorry Lucy,' Rogue thought but everything he tried he couldn't fight it.
Inside Rogue, he felt helpless and weak.

Lucy sat crossed in the kitchen staring at the pathetic excuse of a refrigerator.
"What? Why do you glare at my refrigerator like that?" Natsu asked pouting, and defending his refrigerator.
"It has no FOOD! what do you think a refrigerator is used for?!" Lucy yelled/asked.
"For... sharing the food," Natsu said causal with an innocent look.
"Baka..." Lucy face palms.
"Fine would it make you feel better if we went fishing or something?" Natsu asked giving in.
"Yes. But I'm not going. Take your girlfriend!" Lucy emphasizingthe girlfriend part.
"But I'm protecting you," Natsu said shrugging.
"Take a break."
*Lucy Kick*
"Who's the guest here??" Lucy yelled gritting her teeth.
"you..." Natsu mumbled, sitting on his butt and rubbing his head that recently got a bump.
"So... now do what I say! And go fishing with Happy and Lisanna!" Lucy closed her eyes with a glare on her face.
Natsu, being the idiot he is, kept thinking about kissing Lucy again.
"Ok... but I'll be back soon ok? Don't go ANYWHERE!" Natsu said with a serious expression.
Lucy nodded,"where am I ganna go? If anyone from Fairy Tail finds me I'll be forced back here, and my possessed boyfriend is trying to kill me. Not much fun if you ask me."
Natsu snickered, "but who else can say that."
"Just. Go." Lucy sighed, 'I think I'm losing brain cells just talking to him' she thought with a smirk.
"Ok bye! See ya!" Natsu ran out of the kitchen.
Seconds later the front door open and closed, indicating that Natsu was gone.
Lucy sighed heavily, "I thought he'd never leave. Now let's clean!"
A freakishly big grin grew on Lucy's face as she grabbed the broom.
"Lucy... it's come to be your end," A velvety voice said from behind Lucy and shivers were sent up Lucy's spine.
"R-Rogue??" Lucy said, suddenly dropping the broom with a loud banging sound and turning around to be faced with a dark figure in the shape of a man.
"Close. But no," It was Shadow.
"Shadow," Lucy said bitterly as she glared angrily at him.
"Good job, what a cookie?" He snickered, like a hyena.
(Yay! I'm updating! This is my favorite story to update! Please tell me if you like it! And please vote!)

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