Ran in By luck and fell in Love By Chance

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Lucy glared at him, "I want Rogue back!"
A sickening laughter was heard throughout the kitchen, echoing in Lucy's ears.
"And I want a million dollars. But neither one of those things is happening," Rogue snickered.
Rogue put both of his hands on her shoulders as Lucy was paralyzed with fear and anger.
His smirk showed his fangs as he leaned forward, towards her neck.
His breath was on her neck as her eyes were widened with fear.
She knew he was planning on biting her.
That'd be the end of her.

Lucy's P.O.V

Rogue is so close yet so far.
His breathes were on my neck and my eyes start getting misty.
'Could this be the end? I've been in this situation several different times but never have I ever been because Rogue was trying to kill me, why can't I fight back? I'm so hopeless,' I thought as he opens his mouth getting ready to bite into my neck by officially marking me.
My eyes become heavy and slowly shut.

"Don't you dare die Lucy Heartfilia!"

My eyes widen and I punch Rogue away from me.
"Your not my Rogue. So fuck off," I say as I finally push him away.
His smirk quickly changes into a straight line, "I tried to do it the easy way but the hard way, will have to do."
His sudden glare almost made me flinch, if it weren't for being Rogue's face.
"I know you, Rogue, I know you wouldn't hurt me. B-because your my shadow, your not Shadow! Your Rogue Cheney! On a fateful day where I woke up Natsu Dragoneel, we ran into each other by luck and fell in love by chance. We saved each other from darkness and evil! We sit together on a specific bench at the park, where we fell in love and had our first kiss. We may not be Asuna and Kirito or Hiyori and Yato. Because we're Rogue Cheney and me... a broken girl who fell in love with you! Not Shadow! Rogue Cheney!" By now my voice is loud but, strong," AND NO MATTER WHAT! I WON'T GIVE UP ON YOU!"
Just like that...
His red pools of eyes, changed back to the ones that I fell in love with.
One word.
Changed it all.
"Lucy..." it was warm and brightened my mood, we gave each other the same gaze of love as I slowly fell forward into his arms,"your much more than a broken girl."
Reminding myself how long it's been to have the warmth of the one I love around me, and just so you know, it's the best feeling in the world.
"I'm sorry," came from his mouth as I felt him shake.
He was crying as my hands wrapped around his waist.
He pressed his hands against my back, sobbing.
I've never seen him like this, in a weak state.
Shadow is long gone and it was all thanks to what Rogue taught me.
"It's ok. I'll love you no matter what," I whisper as warm tears of joy stream down my cheeks past my smile and off my chin,"even if you get tired or sick of me."
His sobs became louder as he shook harder but, kept holding me tight, like he'd lose me if he let go.

5 years later...

Still Lucy's P.O.V

"Rogue! I'm back from the mission with Team Natsu!" I yell at the top of my lungs in the doorway of my apartment that's expanded to one extra room.
I walk through the kitchen and see my husband, Rogue Cheney, sleeping soundly with our daughter, Ski Cheney, in his arms.
Ski was named after his dragon, she has my face, but Rogue's hair color. And Mira says, 'MISSION ROLU IS COMPETE WITH A CHILD!'
I walk towards them, the 3 year old girl and my husband, and remove a piece of black hair that was in Rogue's face.
I giggled silently as I went into the kitchen to prepare pancakes.
If Fro were here she'd be so happy, and I'd make her my special pancakes.
I heard Ski stir in her sleep as she sat up, still drousy, and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Hey momma," she said with beautiful glowing eyes that made my heart melt.
"Heya Ski wanna help, momma make pancakes?" I ask with a sweet smile and watch as she nods frantically and run to my side.
"Let's get to work then," I smile and take her small, fragile, hand in mine and we walk into the kitchen laughing.

And this is the end of our story...

(Please! I hope you comment and vote! This was the last chapter and I'm hoping it was good! I hope you don't mind that I fast forward to 5 years... And thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any questions like... what happened to Minerva, I'll write the answer in the comments!)

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