Protecting and a sleepover

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The two girls reached the guild but were out of breathe.
Lucy and Levy burst through the doors.
"Levy!" Jet and Droy both cheered in sinc.
Levy ignored them and walked with Lucy straight to the master.
"Master! We need to tell you something," Lucy demanded with a serious expression.
He nodded and they walked to the back of the guild leaving the atmosphere serious and on guard.
Minutes later Levy emerged from the room and stayed calm.
"Attention! Lucy will once again be in Fairy Tail Protection! Like when Phantom Lord came," Levy announced.
Murmurs were heard throughout the guild but Natsu was the only one to speak up, "she can stay with me!"

Lucy dropped her bags in the doorway of Natsu's and Happy's cottage house with a loud THUMP and a 'are-you-freaking-kidding-me' face.
"Ok Lushee! Everything's going to be alright! Because Natsu and I will protect you!" Happy said landing on her head.
"Thanks..." Lucy said sighing dryly.
"Lighten up Luce! Now we'll have a slumber party!" Natsu yelled happily.
Lucy glared at him with a 'what-the-fuck' look.
"Actually! I'm going with Wendy, Romeo, and Charle on a mission! Sorry! Maybe next time!" And just like that the blue exceed flew out the door of the cottage leaving Lucy and Natsu alone.
"Huh??" Lucy breathed out in shock, 'why would Happy leave me alone! WITH NATSU!'
"Hey Luce..." Natsu said awkwardly, noticing the atmosphere, "I'm sorry about... the kiss."
Lucy looked at him and smiled, "I understand. But don't do it again."
Natsu nodded with a grin on his face.
"Here! Follow me! You can sleep in our guest room!" Natsu yelled excitedly.
Natsu dragged Lucy into a small room with one window and a bunch of crap on the ground. (not poop)
"Thanks..." Lucy said -_-.
"Your welcome!" ^^
And Natsu left the room.
Leaving Lucy alone to think, "Rogue..." she mutter under her breathe as a tear slipped from her eye remembering her dear shadow dragon slayer.
Thinking about him and how he thinks she cheated makes her wanna go back into time and tell the auther, NO! But she can't because the auther is to good for her.
Lucy sighed as she whiped away her tear, 'what have I done?'

Fairy Tail searched the apartment throughly but couldn't get Rogue's sent because he used shadows.
"Erza what're we going to do now?" Gray asked as the day turned into night.
"We should start off home," Erza said looking at the night sky.
"No! Lucy's depending on us!" Levy exclaimed pumping her fist in the air.
Gajeel snickered, "calm down shrimp, "and he lifted Levy by the back of her shirt, into the air, and Levy struggled.
"Levy!" Jet and Droy both said worried in sinc.
"She's right though, Bunny Girl's going to need us finding her boyfriend," Gajeel grunted under his breathe.
"Well your right but it's dark. We should get some sleep," Erza said and walked off.
"Well then! I'm not giving up!" Levy yelled as she was still being carried by Gajeel.
"Poor Lucy," Wendy said as her and Charle walked back to the dorms.
"Yes, well I guess she can live without a boyfriend..." Charla said as she sighed irritatedly.
"Yeah but Rogue and Lucy are in love. It's not right that this even happened! She's always so happy with him by her side, and he's the same. Maybe it's not us who can save him... maybe it's Lucy?" Wendy said aloud but nobody listened.

(Will this be the end of Rogue and Lucy's relationship? Or will their love find a way and save Rogue from Shadow?
Read the next chapter to find out) ~also I added the 'sleepover'

Natsu and Lucy's sleepover...

"Let me sleep!" Lucy screeched and threw a pillow at Natsu's face.
"Oh?" Natsu said with a smirk growing on his face, "you wanna pillow fight?"
Lucy rapidly shook her head no but was to late as Natsu threw as hard as possible a pillow at Lucy's face.
Lucy fell backwards and stared at the ceiling with a 'the-fuck' face.
"Hey Natsu! Is it alright if I take a walk?" Lucy asked sitting up.
"Sure I'm going with you! It's not safe for you to go places alone," Natsu said with a toothy grin.
"Yeah... but I've spent all day with you, I am a girl and a girl needs her space," Lucy said walking to the door.
"Fine but if your gone for to long I'll get you," Natsu said with an innocent snicker.
Lucy sighed and nodded.
She opened the door and felt a cool breeze hit her, 'I wonder where Rogue is right now...'
And she closed the door walking towards the park.
She relaxed on the bench that held so many memories...

"Rogue," Lucy said, "this'll be our place ok?"
"No matter what happens Rogue... I'll never give up! I'll fight until the day you say... your sick of me," Lucy whimpered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

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