Everything changed

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Rogue's P.O.V

Everything changed as I watched Lucy and Natsu kiss...
My heart broke, no, shattered into a million pieces.
Was I the only way to get Natsu?
Was this Lucy's plan?!
Lucy??... she'd never do this to me!
I felt a hint of doubt?
I felt myself fall into the shadows and realize that with all of this negativity i could easily be possessed by Shadow!
I growled, unaware of what to do.
So I just disappeared...

Nobodies P.O.V

Lucy finally kicked Natsu away.
"What the hell?!" She screamed at Natsu.
"I'm sorry Luce, I'm in love with you," Natsu said dreamily.
"Well I don't love you! Can't you see that?" Lucy yelped.
Natsu sighed, "am I or am I not to late?"
"You were to late the second you told Lisanna you had feelings for her..." and Lucy slapped Natsu, leaving his face red as she stomped away from the Sakura tree.
The rain stopped suddenly and she finally ran to her apartment.
"Rogue! I'm back!" Lucy cheered, ready to see her loving boyfriend.
But when she walked in he wasn't in sight.
"Rogue?" Lucy called.
She turned the corner into her room when a force threw her against the wall.
Rogue was being possessed by Shadow again!
"W-what??" Lucy whimpered, weakly looking up at him.
"You slut! How could you? I did everything for you! I was there for you, I lost my exceed because of you, yet, you cheat on me!" Rogue shouted as he said it like lava following from his mouth.
"Rogue..." Lucy's lip quivered as she weakly got up,"I... would nev-..."
Rogue punched Lucy in the stomach, causing her to hit the wall again.
Blood leaked from her mouth as her vision became blurry.
"Just DIE!" Rogue screeched causing Lucy to give up on fighting.
'Is this how it ends? With me losing Rogue because of some stupid misunderstanding? And him killing me?... why would it end like this? I remember many moons ago I asked this similar question, why me? First Natsu, then Rogue, and now Natsu is forcing his way back into my life?! I want Rogue!'
Lucy's eyes shut and she fell into complete darkness hearing Natsu calling her name, "LUCE!!!"

Lucy's P.O.V

I was completely unable to move, I felt like I was on a cloud but in darkness.
I remember when Rogue saved me from Minerva, and when Nightmare used me to take over the world.
'Why me?' Again I asked myself.
But as I float towards a beautiful light I hear a voice...
"Lucy Heartfilia don't you dare die!" My eyes become misty.

"Why can't I be strong like you? I'm so weak!" I cried in the past.
"Your not weak, I've never seen anyone stand up to Minerva the way you did," Rogue had said casually like it was nothing, but to me, then, it meant the world to me!
"It's ok Lucy, I'll get you your keys back! I promise!"
He was the darkness to my light.
i wish everything was ok but no!
Everything hates me!
I'm in love with him! But why can't I be with the one I love??
Should I stop going towards the light?
I want to go to it so badly! But there's something keeping me back.
"Lucy..." a velvety voice said in a whisper.
But I knew exactly who it was.
"Rogue! Please believe me!" I screamed as I hoped he'd do as I say.
"I'm being possessed by Shadow again. Your the only... one with the ability of making him become strong again," Rogue explained to me.
I wish I could just see him! One last time!
"Don't think about giving up..." He sounded hurt.
"Rogue... I want to stay with you forever!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and tears made their way down my cheeks.
"Lucy please listen to me! Your life is in danger! Both of ours! He's going to mark you! Then you'll become his-"
"Rogue! I know but I refuse to be his mate! We can die together, you and me. Maybe we'll even-" but before I could finish that he said, "I don't have much time... this'll be goodbye unless you save us."
My eyes widened, "how do you believe in me so much?"
"Your my light! Your my everything. Plus I looked into your memories and saw that Natsu kissed you and you had zero part in it" when he said that I either wanted to choke him or kiss him but neither one were possible.
"Lucy y-" that's all he said as I felt his presence leave me.
I'm alone again.
But I still see that light.
Go back to Fairy Tail or die?


That was intense! What'll happen to Rogue and Lucy?! And Natsu still has feelings toward Lucy! Will Lucy give up?
Read the next chapter to find out!

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