Fixing A problem

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"That's them?!" Lucy gasped through the window at everyone.
Everyone was on the ground, it looked like whatever they were currently doing they just stopped.
Except Cana was still holding her booze.
"Wait, were you there when it happened?" Rogue asked suspiciously.
Levy looked down as she said,"G-Gajeel and I were... on a date."
Levy turned red.
Lucy smirked as Rogue focused on the situation.
"Wait. Where's Gajeel?" Lucy asked but was answered seconds later...
"I'm right here," Gajeel said walking towards the group.
"What have you been doing through all of this?" Rogue asked.
"Sleeping," Lucy muttered under her breathe as Rogue smirked.
"Hey! Bunny girl! This is serious!" Gajeel exclaimed angrily.
"Bunny girl?" Rogue asked but was ignored.
"Well I'm sorry if that's all you do, Metal Head!" Lucy said pouting.
Gajeel growled but stopped when Levy gave him a look.
"What's the plan shrimp?" Gajeel asked Levy.
"Well... I'm going to the library because I'm pretty sure I know how to fix this but, do not go inside the guild!" Levy said.
"Wait why not, and what're we going to do in the mean time?" Lucy asked.
"Because I'm pretty sure if you get exposed to it you'll fall fast asleep," Levy explained.
"Ohh, but you didn't answer the other question, what're we going to do?" Rogue asked.
"Well, there's my theory, the animal that Guildarts brought could have something to do with this. And earlier Gajeel and I found the man that sent out the request. So he should know what type of animal that is, and we found out that he's going to be at this banquet tonight," Levy said.
"Your so smart Levy!" Lucy praised.
Levy smiled awkwardly as Gajeel smirked.
"Wait. That means we're going to a banquet!" Rogue said in realization.
"Very good," Gajeel said sarcastically,"Bunny girl your boyfriends a bit slow."
Rogue growled at Gajeel as Lucy sighed with a sweat drop, "Rogue doesn't know how to dance."
Gajeel scoffed as Rogue looked away slightly blushing, "Lucy I didn't want people to know."
"Awww that's cute. You'll have to teach him to learn like you taught..." Levy caught her mistake, she was about to say Natsu.
"Who?" Rogue asked raising an eye brow.
"Natsu..." Lucy said irritatedly.
Rogue glared at the ground.
"Well we better go. You know before I say another thing that's going to mess everything up, come on Gajeel," Levy said walking towards the library.
"Awww come on shrimp! It was just getting good!" Gajeel whined following behind Levy.
Lucy looked to the ground awkwardly.
Rogue still glared at the ground as he grit his teeth saying, "you never told me you taught pinky how to dance."
Lucy looked up and said,"I didn't think you would like to hear it. I'm sorr-"
"Lucy!" Rogue snapped at her, "don't be sorry! I wish you would have at least told me!" And Rogue turned around and walked away.
Lucy looked up to watch his figure walk away, "Rogue. Please don't leave me alone," Lucy's voice was small and squeaky but it stopped Rogue.
He turned around to see Lucy on her knees, and tears streaming down her face.
"Lucy..." his voice slurred as he slowly walked towards her.
He kneeled down and said, "I'll never leave you alone."
Lucy lifted her head and saw his red eyes, and she smiled weakly at him, and instantly wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
He pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers, and he lightly bit her lip as she slightly opened her mouth and he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
Lucy couldn't believe her and Rogue were... French kissing!
And when they pulled apart for air Lucy laid her head on his chest. Rogue still felt bad about their fight.

(Ugh, the more I write romantic scenes the more I hate my boyfriend, ):

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