The Dragon Slayers Mate

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Nobodies P.O.V

At the guilds infirmary...

Lucy's eyes instantly opened, not fluttered like they usually do.
"Rogue?" Lucy yelled searching for her boyfriend, hoping that her 'dream' wasn't true.
But she was alone in the guilds infirmary with only Minerva there, but she was still in a coma.
The doors opened and revealed three people: one with white hair, another small with blue hair, and the last one had pink hair.
"Lucy-san? how are you feeling?" Wendy asked sweetly with a hint of worry.
"I-I'm fine..." Lucy said meakly looking down at her hands that are nearly folded on the white bed sheet.
"Bull shit! Rogue will pay for hurting you! And then what? Disappearing with a sickening-" Natsu's anger was cut short.
"Don't you dare say that about him! This is your fault! This is all your fault!" Lucy choked out but burst into tears in the middle of it.
"Lucy, want me to get you a strawberry smoothie?" Mira asked innocently.
"No thank you, Mira what I really want is something you can't get for me..." Lucy said sniffling.
"What's that?" Wendy asked innocently.
"...Rogue..." Lucy said depressingly.
They looked at their blonde best friend who always brightened up their day, but not now...
"We'll get you that. But right now we need to figure this out," a voice that made Lucy's head go up, it was her best friend!
"Levy," Lucy greeted with a weak smile.
"Now let's go to our favorite place!" Levy said excitedly.
"And what's that?" Natsu asked curiously.
"The library," Lucy squealed happily.
"And what's that?" Natsu asked again the same way.
"Not important! Let's go!" Lucy cheered and ran out of the bed.
Regret hit her along with really bad back pain.
"Let me help you," Levy giggled and grabbed her arm to guide her.
Lucy smiled and said, "thanks!"

Lucy and Levy sat down at the library and were reading two books about Dragon slayers.
"Hmmm," Lucy said out loud with a smirk, "says here, Dragon Slayers always pick super hot and smart mages! Looks about right!"
Levy blinked before turning red and saying, "that's not funny!"
They both burst into laughter.
"Yeah, but I got nothing. The mating and power sections are totally useless! Rogue told me everything there is to know," Lucy sighed.
"Hmm, maybe he didn't," Levy said and took Lucy's book.
She started to read a part that stated:
Dragon slayers mating
Blah, bluh, blah!
If a dragon slayer intends to mark their mate then it means the dragon slayer will protect mate forever.
However, if this connection quivers and the dragon slayer destroys mate, the dragon slayer will become 10× more powerful and can never be stopped. But this has been found that they only receive power if the mate has been marked.
Levy started wide eyed at the book in her hands.
Lucy worried, "what? What is it?"
Levy gave her a scared look and said, "Rogue's going to destroy you."
Lucy gulped, "thanks for putting it so simply," she quivered sarcastically but still scared.
"What're we going to do?" Lucy asked her best friend.
"Huh? We? No you mean you. And your going to explain to Rogue how you want to be with him, obviously," Levy said putting the book down.
Lucy grabbed the book that was recently put down and exclaimed happily, "Rogue never marked me! I'm home free!"
"Yet," Levy sighed, hating to break her best friends happiness with the cold hard truth.
"Oh, right..." Lucy's happiness suddenly died down.
"You'll be under Fairy Tail protection until we can get Rogue back to normal," Levy said, "now let's get back to the Guild. "
Lucy and Levy sprinted back to the guild to report the news.
Lucy kept thinking back, 'would Rogue really want me dead for power? Or is it really Shadow controlling him? Oh, if only Frosche were here, she'd say something adorable and end up saving the day.'

(Well I tried.
I'm sorry if that was supposed to be more romantic but I'm in a rush to get these chapters finished. 'Homework'
Anyway hope you liked it! Please comment and vote! )

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