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Your, pov
Don't hurt me I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said" I had a freshman up against the wall

I don't understand why freshman think they own the school like kid your just starting school you have no idea what high school will throw your away

"Does my face say it gives any fuck how sorry you are, no I didn't think so" I was so close to punching the kid right in jaw when her voice stopped me

"Ms. Y/l/n my office" I groan letting the freshman down "watch out kid" I whisper pushing him once more against the wall before leaving to principal Jauregui office

"Hey Megan" I waved to Lauren assistant I haven't seen her since last week "hello Y/n back already" I chuckled nodded "unfortunately yes, I almost beat a kid up, principal Jauregui saw me the kid was lucky" the older woman just shook her head "Y/n you need to start behaving if not you will never graduate with all these detentions" I sigh nodded "yeah but at least my grades ain't no problem I got high grades" she looked like she was think for a minutes and then she nodded

"You are right but behave young lady" I nodded waving bye and walking in Lauren's office "whats up principal Jauregui" she hates when I call her principal Jauregui now it's so funny

When I turned I came face to face with Lauren and surprisedly Bradley "oh shit what's up Bradley new shirt I like, not for me but for a weird person like yourself it's perfect"

"Y/n" Lauren says I knew she was trying to fight off a smile because she did that little cute think that she looks down biting her bottom lip "sorry, well why is 'Mr. Simpson' doing here" I looked at the two to see if something went down, Lauren's outfit looks normal doesn't look like she rushed to put her clothes on and her hair is still in its bun, Bradley looks gross but that's the usual

"I am here to talk to Principal Jauregui about what you and Justin did in my class room second period" I rolled my eyes crossing my arms "why isn't Justin in here it was his idea" "that's funny, Justin said the same about you" Mr. Simpson says smirking this guy thinks im gonna get suspended by just hiding his markers and maybe sticking his papers on his desk

"Alright maybe I did it and? Why isn't Justin getting in trouble you can't pin this all on me" I say looking over to Lauren she just had an unreadable face I fucking hate that I can't read her "we aren't talking about Justin" Lauren says crossing her arms "you gotta be kidding me" I mumbled the bell ringed and Mr. Simpson grabbed his book I guess "I have a class, but you stay here" he pointed at me I moved back so he could leave the office

I flopped down on the chair sighing stupid Bradley, I don't want to be suspended but if I don't get in trouble Justin is going to catch on that I have something with Lauren and I don't need him to know just get I need to make sure he won't say shit, he can be an asshole at times

"Can you just tell me what Justin's punishment is" I turned to Lauren who was locking her office door "why does it matter" she asked coming my way "i just need to know" "he's suspended for 2 weeks one week for doing what you two did and another week for disrespecting his teachers" a week of suspension I guess I can do

"What's mine?" She just kept her arms crossed staring at me I hate when she does that, I feel so uncomfortable in her stare it's like she's staring right throw me

"I don't know yet" she finally spoke "give me a week of suspension" she raised a brow "why?" Should I tell her about Justin, I don't want to lie to her because I don't want her getting angry at me ugh fuck it I'll spill

"If Justin finds out I got a shitty punishment he's going to figure out that i maybe have something with you" I say standing up "and I don't trust him as much, yeah I act like he's my best friend or what ever but he can be an ass"

Principal JaureguiWhere stories live. Discover now