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Your pov,
Lauren quickly went to her front door and in a few seconds I hear a around of different voices

"Took you long enough"

"Hi Lolo"

"What we're you doing that took so long"

"Ignore them Lauren"

I stood in the living room waiting for the mystery people to walk in

"Wait Dinah"

I looked up and see a tall gorgeous girl with blonde locks

"Who are you?" She asked with her arms crossed

Well that isn't really a question I would ask first even if I am kinda rude

"Who are You?" I asked mimicking her movements

"I asked first"

"I don't care" I raised a brow she looked surprised with my answer and then her whole experience chanced into anger

"Excuse me listen here chick I don't know who the fu-"

"Dinah!" Lauren cut in with three more girls, the three girls held this Dinah girl back while Lauren stood in front of me


"Who is she?" I asked moving Lauren aside to get a better look at the other girls

"Dinah calm down this is my friend" I looked over to Lauren and raised a brow

Didn't she just tell me I wasn't single anymore basically saying I belong to her? Now I'm a just a friend

"Y/n these are my friends"

From left to right Lauren told me their names

"Normani, Ally, Dinah and Camila, girls this is Y/n"

I looked back to Lauren then back to her friends

"She's a little rude one isn't she" Dinah mumbled i chuckled biting my bottom lip

"I can say the same about you"

Dinah jumped to get to me but Normani held her back

"Ok Dinah you need to clam down"

I rolled my eyes going over to Ally and Camila ?

"Hi I'm Y/n" I smiled Ally smiled back pulling me in a hug "whoa" I'm not much of a hugger but I guess I'll do it this one time for Ally her hugs feel nice

"Hi Y/n like you heard Lauren im Ally"

I smiled turning to Camila she looked a little nervous

"Hi" I waved she quickly looked away but whispered a quick hello

"Camila right" she looked up at me and nodded blushing slightly I smirked then I feel Lauren smack the back of my head

"Ow" I mumbled turning to her she gave me that evil glance I turned back to her friends seeing Dinah a little clam down

I turned to the girl beside her and fuck why does Lauren have to have hot friends man !

"Hi Y/n I'm Normani, Lauren's beautiful and awesome best friend" I chuckled and Normani pulled me into a hug

I pulled away and turned to Dinah

"I would say hello but it seems you dislike me now" she rolled her eyes walking pass me

"She isn't really like this you just um..hit a nerve" Ally says I nodded turning to a pair of brown eyes

It was Camila she seems to be stare at me a little to much she's gorgeous but Lauren who kill me if I pull a move on Camila

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