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*isn't my best work but you know try and enjoy it*

I finally started working once again, i really needed this job just having Lauren work wasn't the best, at least i got my old job back.

I finally got out of work it was about midnight and I was waiting on my 'uber' to get here,

The familiar black Honda pulled up rolling down the window

"Are you going to get in or what?" Zayn said annoyed I smiled grabbing my bag and getting in the passenger side,

"Thanks for picking me up"

"You're lucky I have to go get Gigi something to eat" I smirked his cheeks just flashed he pushing me slightly,

"I didn't say anything" I mumbled

"She's not pregnant if that's what you're thinking" I shook my head unlocking my phone and texting Lauren I was on my way home,

"I think she is, this is the third time this week you're out late buying her food and picking me up"

"She must be on her period or something" I rolled my eyes leaning back on my seat

"What ever you say bud"
After a little argument with Zayn on taking my gas money for him he took my $20 and left to buy his girl food, I walked in my quiet house not hearing a noise. I'm not surprised that Caleb is in bed already he's been sleeping every night around 9 Lauren's bed time so I guess that's a bonus for Lauren but he does wake up around 6 and doesn't sleep until 4 in the afternoon.

I walked to my bedroom slowly opening the door but I saw the tv on and I faced over to the bed and Lauren was up,

"Uh hey babe?" I said with a light laugh

"Hallo" she smiled facing the tv once again,

"What are you doing up? Don't you have to work tomorrow"

"Yeah I do but I couldn't sleep" she pouted facing me once again, I placed my bag down and went over to her placing a single kiss on her lips

"I'm sorry but did Caleb sleep?" She nodded smoothing her hand behind my neck

"He just went to bed around 11:30 I didn't want to sleep him so early" Lauren added not looking away from my lips I chuckled making her look away,

"Are you okay? Do you want another kiss?"

"Please?" She said in a toothy smile I smiled leaning forward for the kiss,

The kiss started to get heated rather quickly Lauren pulled me on top of her I placed my hands on either side of her head letting her warm hands explore, she slightly pulled my shirt up moving her hands up to my covered chest, I lightly moaned against the kiss Lauren smiled biting my lip,

"I love hearing you moan" she whispered kissing my cheek to my neck,

"I guess we're finally going to have sex" I chuckled biting my lip feeling her suck on my neck and moving her hand to unbutton my pants

"Yes we are" I smirked kissing her lips once again

~sorry but skip smut~

I groan hearing Lauren's alarm clock go off, Lauren got up slightly to turn it off and falling back on the bed I smoothed my hand across her belly hearing her groan,

"Stop I'm ticklish" I smiled pulling her closer to me I kissed her shoulder sighing happily,

"I'm actually surprised we had sex on a 'school night'" I smirked Lauren turned in my arms pinching one of my nipples

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