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"Hey do you think I should go up to the school" Zayn looked over to me like I had two heads he was giving me a ride to work because Lauren wasn't feeling so good and plus she was really pissed off about this little kid that keeps bothering her

"I'm confused why do you want to go to our old high school other then see your girlfriend" Oh shit I forgot to tell him

"Okay well Lauren said there's this little trouble maker and he teases her about dating a high schooler well graduated and he just puts stuff in her head that make it seem like our relationship isn't right and so this kid seems to kinda flirt with her too, she's really annoyed and pissed about it and he's a Junior he just got transferred there" he nodded with his thinking face on I chuckled and looked down to my phone when I got a text,

From baby🙊💛- I can't find Nala!! Where is she!?

To baby🙊💛-babe you left her in Caleb's room remember..

From baby🙊💛- I knew that... ILOVEYOU!❤️

To baby🙊💛- I LOVE YOU TOO❤️

"Yeah I think you should go up to the school scare this little kid back to his place...oh my god I sound so childish" I laughed

"You think?"

"Yeah because first off he shouldn't be making Lauren's job hell I mean it's not her fault that she fell in love with you or you with her" I smiled nodding

"Plus the school board doesn't seem to care that shes working there so why is this kid on Lauren about it? Does he have a crush on her or something"

"Whoa whoa a crush? Hell no! I'm definitely going to that school now" I added gripping my hands

"Oh shit bad ass is back" I just smirked at Zayn

Lauren's pov,
I was in my office finishing up a report for a student when

"Ms. Jauregui you have Jacob once again" I sighed leaning my head back

"Okay send him in" I waved

"Well hello miss perv"

"Excuse me? you just got back and you're already looking for another suspension" he smirked taking a sit

"I'm sorry I thought we were cool with the pet names" I sighed putting away my papers,

"Why are you here?" I asked not really caring what he did but I have to listen.

"Oh uh I might've accidentally throw a football to a girls face in gym....the bitch shouldn't have been there anyways" he mumbled

"Why in the hell would you hit someone with a football,"

"The bitch was annoying she doesn't even come to school here anymore" I raised a brow who the hell is he referring to?

"I'm going to have to put you in school suspension for-" I get cut off when my office door swings open and in come my girlfriend with a very red face and slightly black eye,

"You're so fucking lucky we're in school grounds kid" Y/n groan pulling Jacob out his seat

"Y/n hands off!" I yelled I don't need any complains that I don't know how to keep the children safe here in school

"Ooo I'm so scared" Jacob light pushing Y/n back,

"Listen here kid you don't know who the fuck i am, you had no right to throw a fucking football my way, you were so lucky the coach was there" Y/n chuckled holding her eye slightly

"Y/n why don't you go to nurse" I added walking over her way

"Yeah why don't you listen to your old lad-"

Your pov,
"Yeah why don't you listen to your old lad-" I didn't even let him finish that sentence I hate seeing Lauren feel so down about her self so I quickly shut the kid up,

"Y/n" Lauren pulled me way I couldn't help but smirk but fuck his jaw is strong,

"Ah" Jacob touched his lip and stared over to me.

"Respect your adults idiot" i pushed him once more before Lauren pushed me out her office,

"Y/n are you crazy you cant go hitting anyone that gets you angry"

"Well the idiot started it, i just came here to see you and I saw the coach so I went over to say hi and next thing I know Im hit in the face with a football" it's the truth I didn't even know the kid until the coach said he was like my replacement but worse, that's idiotic.

"Okay but you shouldn't have came here to my office and started something" she added cupping my face smoothing her thumb against my eye

"Okay maybe you're right but that kid need to learn his lesson" I groan lightly and pushing her away

"I'll just see you at home because if i go back in there I'm going to kill that kid" I added once more she nodded and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Y/n that wasn't a smart move that kid could get you in trouble!" Ariana yelled to me giving me an ice pack

"Where Caleb?" I asked placing the ice pack on my eye, at least I got Ariana to babysit for me thank god i didn't have Caleb with me,

"He's napping but Y/n you shouldn't have hit the kid, he's a minor hopefully you don't get Lauren in any trouble"

"She won't alright" I sighed placing the pack down,

"Anyways I didn't intend to go over there and beat the kid up I just wanted to see my girlfriend"

"Yeah Y/n about that, why is Lauren still your girlfriend and not like wife now?" I raised a brow crossing my arms

"What?" I chuckled lightly

"Well Caleb is almost one and you haven't stepped up on like proposing to Lauren, I think it's about time"

"How did this go from me hitting a kid to proposing to Lauren?" She hand me a glass of soda and sat beside me

"I don't know I'm just curious why you haven't moved to that step yet"

Ariana has a point I mean I do want to spend the rest of my life with Lauren but I'm not so great on the romantic shit at moment I haven't really had much confidence in myself.

I'm not even making that much money to buy Lauren a ring and we're fine at the moment I don't want to rush into anything.

A/n: I'm completely sorry for not updating as much I just been writers blocked and then I been spending so much time on my girlfriend that I haven't had much time to write but I'll try

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