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•The pep rally•

I was sitting with Zayn, Justin and Louis for the pep rally we had to be with our class but Justin and Louis pulled Zayn and I way from class so we could all be together Ariana couldn't join us because she's out with the cheer squad

I don't know if Justin and Louis plan is a go but from the smirks on their faces I think it is and I'm not ready for this

"Did you two go with the idiotic plan you had in mind?" I asked looking over to Louis and Justin

"Maybe" Justin smirked wrapping his arm around Louis they both laughed turning to the cheerleaders

"What are we going to do" Zayn asked me "I don't even know I just hope their plan fails"

"How's the extra credit classes going" Zayn asked handing me back my phone that I asked him to hold because Mr. Jones wanted to confiscated it from me when we walked in the gym claiming I was using my phone I was just looking at the time

"Uh it's alright, Mr. Simpson is just being an ass as usual, but it's helping me out right" he nodded smiling

"I heard you almost broke his arm ones" I laughed nodding

"Yeah he uh kinda pissed me off" I looked away from Zayn looking down to the bottom of the gym looking over to Lauren who was watching the pep rally with a smile on her face I smiled turning back to Zayn

"You're lucky he didn't tell principle hot stuff if not your ass would've been suspended" I nodded smirking

"Most likely"

The crowed yelled when the football came running out saying each players name

"Everyone gets so hype for no reason" Zayn laughed shaking his head I laughed nodding

The pep rally was coming to an end but they were about to announce this year's senior king and queen

"Let's start with this years senior king" Lauren smiled causing the gym to yell loudly

"We have Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, um Y/n Y/l/n" Lauren raised a brow everyone in the crowd yelled

Someone thought it was funny to run me as king for this year because I'm a girl with the dick so they just ran me as King or whatever

"Okay well, the last two are Dylan O'Brien and Cody Christian"

We all had to get down to stand beside our principal and wait for her to announce our "queen"

"Now for your queen, is Shay Mitchell, Kendall Jenner, Ariana Grande, Maia Mitchell, and Selena Gomez"

All the girls stepped down who we all wave hello too

"For this years King will be" we all waited Justin smirked patting my back and whispers

"I bet it's you"

"Y/n Y/l/n" Lauren said my name causing the gym to yell loudly all the guys smiled clapping while one of the cheerleaders came over placing the crown on my head

I smiled looking over to Lauren who was smiling brightly I looked over to the girls they all had big smiles

"Okay now for your queen...Kendall Jenner" Lauren looked a little upset but Kendall was the total opposite

She ran over to me jumping into my arms wrapping her arms and legs around me I stumbled back but Harry helped me

"Well who knew the ex flings were going to win" Kendall smirked biting her bottom lip

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